Chapter 4

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Amara's outfit

Amara's pov...

Elle this is not fair. I can't marry him. I don't love him. I don't even know him.
For fuck's sake I literally just told him in the morning that we weren't ever gonna see each other again, and now all of a sudden I have to marry him.

If you are wondering I called Elle after returning home.... we had to go to the clubbb.

Elle say something, anything....and don't give me that Is he hot life is ruined here and you don't look concerned at all.

Whatttt Elle said whining first let's google him.

Seriously Elle you have lost it....aarghhh.

She started googling Ian Morningstar the very famous handsome bachelor of Los Angeles, while I got ready for our night out.

Now I really needed this night with my best friend after everything that's happening in my life.

As I was applying lipstick I heard Elle she exclaimed 'Ooohhh myyy fuckingggg god he is such a sexy devil'

Amara my beautiful best friend you are so fucking lucky you are going to marry this greek god, Elle said rolling on my bed excited.
I rolled my eyes at her as I wore my heels.

Elle I don't think you heard me correctly the first time, I don't like Ian, he is arrogant, cocky and a very handsome jerk who only thinks about himself and nobody else. Basically he is a selfish bastard.

Now it was Elle's turn to roll her eyes at me. Shut up Amy and did you inform Ray about you getting married or not.

Ooh Crap... I totally forgot about him...

Exactly inform him you bitch.

Uuh I will later.

Uhumm cool let's go then...

Yepp let's get drunk, I said.

So where to Amara?

Chris, please drop us at "The NightHouse" the one which recently opened.


As we were sitting in my limousine and gossiping, we started to have vodka.

Amara and Elle should I pick you girls up later ? Chris asked.
No Chris don't worry about us. You take care, Goodbye Elle said.

Amara we have reached let's go party, Elle screamed as we stepped out of the limousine.
We entered from the VIP cards and we started scanning our surroundings. It was beautiful and huge. It was crowded and everyone were dancing or making out.

We made our way to the bar somehow from between the sweaty dancing bodies.
As we sat there a cute waiter came and started flirting with Elle as She winked back at him...

So what would you like mi ladies Nian asked us. We giggled and ordered sex on the beach. As our drinks arrived we started to drink and laugh. Hmm Elle was getting some tonight ;) I winked at her as

I decided to give some space to Nian and her and went to sit somewhere else.

I was humming to the music and bobbing my head to it when I saw a very familiar set of eyes starting at me hard. Hmm i smirked internally as I decided to go and dance.

As In my city began playing.

I went to the dance floor and started twirling and moving my ass slowly and in a sexy way, teasing myself,  losing in the music. I was shimmying when I felt two arms settling around my waist making me feel uncomfortable, I turned around to find a hot man well not as hot as Amara, he pulled me closer to himself and he started g0rinding on me, I was feeling uncomfortable but I couldn't show that as I could see him looking my way.

I started to dance with him as his hands started grabbing my ass. I tried to take his hands off my ass but his hands made their way up to my neck and his mouth started coming closer to my neck.

As soon as he was going to kiss me on my neck, I was shocked as someone suddenly dragged me off the dance floor with them and then I saw the man who I was dancing with was being thrown out of the club.

I sighed with relief but then looked at the intruder. Obviously who else would it be.


Hunhhh...why would you do that Ian.
For fuck's sake I was dancing out there with him...Fuck you.

Ian's pov....

I was sitting and chilling at my friend Adam's new club  'The NightHouse' as I saw her sitting alone drinking.

Fuckkk does she look sexy in that little dress of hers but, as I look around and see almost every man staring her I start to feel angry, and the frustrating part is I don't even know why I feel angry.

I was staring at her and i could see her smirk. What's cooking in her mind. I saw her stand up as she started to make her way to the dance floor.

She started teasing everyone, twirling, and shaking her ass slowly. As she was dancing definitely getting me hard by just the looks of her swaying her ass to the song...I saw someone grab her waist and grind against her and she was reciprocating.

I getting annoyed and angrier as seconds passed by. I could punch his fucking face right now. As I saw he was leaning to kiss her that was it, that ticked me off.

As I called security and asked them to kick that asshole out of here, I went and gripped her wrist hard and dragged her out of there and brought her to Adam's office in the club ( P.s. Adam is out of town for the week) as she struggled to get out of my grip and tried to push me cussing and screaming, I locked the door and turned around to face her.

She looks soo fucking Fiesty while cussing. Wtf Ian stop. What's wrong with you. Fuck you!

Ooh, darling trust me you will Fuck me soon, I passed a snarky comment knowing it will piss her off.

"I will fuck you so hard on our bed, my office table, your office table, our kitchen, our balcony and every book and corner of this fucking world. You will be screaming my name honey. And you will just beg for more. I said as I smirked down at her.

"No, I won't be engaging in any suxh thing with you, she snapped at me. Not even in your fucking dreams. Now fucking get out of my way I need to leave. However I will fuck that guy I was just dancing with"

She started to leave when I held her wrist and pulled her closer to me twisting her arm behind her back so that my front touched her back and I was breathing down her neck. She tried to struggle out of my grip but she knows better obviously, I am stronger than her. I slowly whispered in her ear making her shiver ' you are going to be my fucking fiancee tomorrow and I don't like it when someone touches what's mine so you better not try this act of yours again' I felt the shivers that ran down her body, and I smirked.

I glided my free hand down her free arm and turned her around to face me. Now you listen to me carefully I will drop you home and I don't want any arguments. If you try and argue I will fuck you like my own little timepiece.  She looked at me angrily and just nodded as she started walking away from me.

"Good girl"

I smirked behind her and walked her to my car.

Hey guys :)
I am back with chapter 4
Damn the drama and emotions were high in this chapter.
And let's not forget Ian's silly thoughts.

Comment down below what you felt about this chapter and let's not forget to VOTE.

Love ya readers ;)

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