Chapter 15

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Ian's pov...

I was sitting at my desk thinking about her. I can't stop thinking of her. I simply can't!! Her lips felt so good, tasted so sweet. I haven't been able to concentrate ever since Amara left here.

I was lost in my thoughts when Adam (Ian's best friend) entered my office. Uhmm, I heard him clear his throat. How is Mr.Morningstar smiling today? Broo Please tell me there is no chick under your table blowing you. I rolled my eyes at him as I heard the choice of words he used as we shook hands. 

HOLY FUCK!! Is it because of the famous and extremely hot Amara Davies? he asked raising his brow at me...Does she already have your sorry ass whipped? He laughed...

Noo man, the fuck are you saying. I don't like her!! You know how it works for me.
You know it is a contract thing. Something ticked, when he called her hot but I had no idea what!? 

Ooh, so does that mean I can have her? He smirked. As soon as I heard those words leave his mouth something twisted more than ever and I absolutely wanted to punch him square in his face so that he couldn't even recognize himself in the mirror, but I somehow repressed myself and tried calming my inner anguish.

He was very carefully studying my expressions and I knew he was just kidding but this wasn't something to joke about. And It just angered me. Although I didn't want to give off anything because I myself didn't know what I was feeling or thinking so I stated, Adam look you better leave me alone right now. I am not thinking straight and I have a lot of work at hand, I suggest you leave me alone before I do something I will regret later. He laughed at me like an evil bitch he is and whispered a few coherent things before he decided to leave for his workplace.

I was still pissed at him when suddenly my personal cell rang. I didn't care to check the number before I answered the call.

I- Goodmorning who might this early bird be, I stated stiffly.

A- Hi Mr. Morningstar, I heard her melodic but very much seraphic voice. Now, this was the second time I talked to her in this tone.

I- Miss. Davies, I said surprised. Well, I wasn't expecting her call after what happened yesterday. Not at least until our wedding. How many times do I have to ask her to call me by my first name?

Miss me already ma belle? I asked smirking.

A- Hunhh aren't you too cocky for a person with a small one. I almost choked at her reply but smirked at her feistiness. 

I- Already imagining about my dick now are we? I said smirking, pride dripping from my words.

A- I heard her hiss in anger and imagined her clenching her jaw as she tried to control her blush and anger.

Sure why not!! Actually, I was. My eyes widened at her answer but before I could furthermore make any assumptions of my own and be proud of myself she added, I was just thinking about what a man whore you are and how I don't give a fuck about it.

I- Now it was time for my eyes to widen in shock. Ouch, that hurt !! I finally recovered from it as I replied. 

Miss.Davies you really need to watch that pretty mouth of yours which might I mention was on my mouth yesterday also it can be used in much better ways that are running in my mind right now. Hah, we play by my rules, Amara. I could imagine her blushin' and at total loss of words.

A- Mr. Morningstar I hope you are free in an hour, Cause I want you to meet me at Bibble & Sip at 3. I have a meeting later so please don't be late, she said it with annoyance. Hunh did she just ask me not to be late? Doesn't she know I am a punctual man, I am Ian Morningstar *eye-roll*

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