Chapter 25

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At Elle's place,

Amara's pov...

Babe you won't believe what happened. I swear I got the best orgasm ever. Like ever, yesterday night.

"Ooooh, you bitch guess Ian did you good hnn", Elle said winking at me.

Well not really, we haven't slept together yet and is not happening any soon.

"Bitch if I were you, I would have jumped in the bed with that man the first opportunity I got", replied Elle.

I don't know why, but for some reason I didn't like her talking about MY HUSBAND like that. Woaaa wtf Amara where did that come from? Shut up you subconscious bitch.

"Umm, Elle can we have some drinks?" Like something hard preferably.

"Sure, wait I will grab us some drinks." Elle went to grab them as I switched on my phone and saw Ian's messages asking where I was.

She came back with our drinks but I got startled which ended up with the drink spilling on my clothes.

"Fuckk I am soo sorry, I will grab you some tissues here. Change into one of my dresses or something and return it later".

I nodded as I shook my head.


"Hahahaha, hell no. I ain't wearing that shit!! Why do you even have it on you? Forget it". I am soo not getting into that dress. It's not even a proper dress as it barely covers anything.

"C'mon babe, just get into it. Please". I don't have anything else on me right now I have packed other things for the two month vacation to Rome, Elle pushed me to wear this.

"NO! NO! And NO!, this is the skimpiest dress ever. I am not getting into it".

Yes. You are. As she pushed me inside her washroom with nothing but that dress. Having no choice I took of my wet clothes as I tied down the dress around my body. It was a tighter on me as I was more curvaceous than Elle. I looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to drown myself. "Fucking hell", Ian will murder me for this.

I walked out as I twirled for her and winked. We laughed as we gossiped and got drunk. Two hours passed and I didn't realize how the time flew away.

Finally i got up to leave, and stumbled on my foot and fell down. We laughed again as she helped me up.

"W..will a cab?", Elle stuttered.

I shook my head at her as I replied stuttering of having my car and driver waiting outside.

Finally stumbling my way out to Chris, I knocked on the car as he was startled from his sleeping state.
He quickly unlocked the car and observed my drunken state.

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