Chapter 6

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Amara's pov....

As we reached the venue Ian extended his hand for me to take, and this time I took it as I saw media was there and I didn't want to embarrass him.

Also people think this marriage is out of love. *eyeroll*

Let's get done with this he said with a scowl and I just stepped off the car with his help.


The cameras were flashing as they captured us. Hundreds of questions were being asked,

Is this marriage out of love or is it a business proposition?

Mr. Morningstar how do you feel about your engagement with Miss. Davies?

I looked at him as he posed in front of cameras with a straight face and his famous smirk gracing his facial expressions. Not a single trace of a smile. Arrogant arse I thought as I smiled for the camera.

Mr. Morningstar, would you like to say something to your female followers? They will be heartbroken after knowing you are not a bachelor anymore...

He simply winked at the camera as he suddenly grabbed me by my waist and pulled my body closer to his, so that my breasts were touching his chest, this obviously didn't go unnoticed by the journalists, making me feel uncomfortable.

Ms. Davies how do you feel about your engagement with Mr. Morningstar?

Ms. Davies how did the two of you fall in love?

When are two of the finest billionaire's of Los Angeles tying the knot?

I just smiled at the camera with confidence as Ian replied that we will arrange an interview to answer all their questions but some other time as today was our Engagement.

As soon as we were out of the eyes of media I took his hand off my waist and pulled myself away from him, don't you dare touch me again I warned him as I started walking faster. Soon I reached closer to the hall and stopped so that we could enter together as going separately would make things look suspicious.

Ian's pov....

As we entered the hotel Amara pulled herself away from me. As she looked at me and warned me to not touch her again and walked away from me. I looked puzzled at her. What is she? no one can resist my charm but her, she looks at me like I am nothing, she doesn't feel my touch, I should be the one giving her attitude after all she is the one ruining my life. But she is so feisty and absolutely unaffected by my charms and something about that makes me like it, she looked so hot while warning me I wanted to tear that dress off her body and kiss every inch of her beautiful body right here. I smirked as I thought about what I will do to her once we are married.

I made my way towards the hall and saw Amara waiting for me.

We made our way inside the hall and each and every person in the room had their eyes on us, especially looking at my soon to be wife.

I saw our parents standing together looking at us with joy and our mother's having tears of happiness.

We waved at everyone making our way towards our parents and I was crushed in a tight embrace by Amara's mother, so was she by my mama.

Finally, they let go of us and we took deep breaths together resulting both the parents to laugh, we smiled at them as my father asked me to go and grab champagne for Amara. I nodded and went to fetch the drinks.

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