Chapter 23

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Amara's pov...

Oh my God!! I leaned against my door as my head felt heavy. I could still feel his fingers thrust deep inside my hole. His finger sensations were still quite evident on my sensitive bud which was still throbbing. I could not breathe properly as my chest heaved up and down. Ooh, Ian! What have you done to me?! My thoughts were totally corrupted right now. I wanted his fingers again deep inside me, playing with my pussy lips as he kissed my lips, bit them, and sucked on them. I wanted so much more right now. "Fuck Ian".

I decided to take a shower and freshen up, it was a long day after all. While in the shower I again couldn't help but think about Ian's warmth on my neck and his hands so big, my hands reached my breasts themselves as they ached, my nipples hard standing out even in the warm water. I rubbed the areolas between the pad of my thumbs as I moaned in pleasure. If he is going to do this to me, then I am not going to sit as well. Wait up, darling! After drying myself up, I wore my sexy lace nightgown, naked underneath as I decided to give Ian a little show. But only a little show I promised myself.

After doing my hair for bed and moisturizing my body, I went downstairs as I was hungry and obviously I have to look for Ian as well. Reaching the Kitchen, I was bent forward and looking through the refrigerator, searching for food when I felt two eyes on me. I knew he was here. Not moving I continued looking and finally found the Spaghetti Aglio e Olio which was cooked by Maria, our cook. 

I took the food out as I now stood straight and turned around to find Ian standing by the door staring at me with intensity and lust in his eyes... His mouth was a little agape and I could clearly see the bulge in his boxer shorts. He was standing with his chest on the show. My nipples hardened when I saw the look in his eyes, his eyes sliding downwards staring at my nipples with a smirk. I quickly averted my eyes and turned to walk towards the microwave to heat our food.

I smoothly moved towards my left to grab two wine glasses as I shook my ass a little. They were on the upper shelf and it was a perfect chance for teasing him again. Without glancing at him I stretched my hands up so as to grab the glasses. My robe lifted up with the stretch giving my husband a perfect view of my round naked ass. 

Hah, smack that baby!  Before I could grab onto the glasses I felt his body pressed against mine, his breath down my neck. There was silence as I felt him take a deep breath. Was he literally smelling my hair?

He grabbed both my hands which held the glasses now as he pressed himself against my body harder.

His hands were still holding the glasses with my hands in his. "Turn Around baby".

3rd Person's pov...

Amara slowly turned around in his hold, his hands were still holding hers. They were close, closer than before. There was something different in the air. She looked down as he stared at her. Amara didn't realize when he took the glasses from her hands.

Ian took Amara's hands as he pulled her more into his chest, they were almost grinding against each other now.

Taking his right hand he tipped her chin up so that she was looking at him. She was biting her lip out of nervousness, he slightly smiled looking at her face when he saw that.

Don't bite that Amara!! She looked startled as she gazed into his beautiful orbs.

What?!  Nothing Ian nodded as he leaned down and captured her lips. He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.

He slowly sucked her lower lip between his as she kissed him back with passion. There was something about the kiss this time, there was fire, need, want. They didn't want to part away.

 They didn't want to part away

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Ian's pov...

She was so close to me that I could smell the rosy sweet fragrance of her, we were kissing and now her tongue was in my mouth. The only thing I could feel right now was her lips on mine as I played with her hair grabbing it in my palm as I pushed her more into me. My other palm slid down to her covered hard nipples as I felt it on the pad of my fingers. I circled my thumbs around her areola as she gasped in my mouth. Taking it in between my fingers I pinched it between my thumb and forefinger. By now she was making me feel dizzy. The taste of her mouth sent my heart into beautiful sensations. I clung to her more as I took in more of her, trying hard to control myself. Her hands roamed down my front.

Her hardened nipples were sticking out touching my chest. Only a cloth of silk was between our bare bodies. I wanted to rip the silk off her soft skin. I wanted to feel her soft skin against mine.

My hands slid down to the knot of the robe as I twisted it between my fingers and untied it. Slowly her robe was loose on her. Her hard nipples finally made contact with my warm chest. I inhaled deeply as I felt her shiver and did the same. Her lips quivered at the contact and her cheeks blushed. She looked so innocent right now. Only if I didn't know about her book and her sleeping around.

Before I could touch her globes the microwave interrupted us. She quickly pushed me away as her eyes averted from mine. Tying her gown, her hands fumbling, she successfully got out of my grasp as she took out the heated food and served us two plates. She was frowning now.

I observed her movements as she denied looking me in my face. Her rude attitude towards me was now getting on my nerves. Why couldn't she behave nicely with me? Why couldn't she be happy around me like she is around other men?

We sat quietly at the table as we ate our food and drank wine. But I couldn't even taste the wine anymore. The only taste which has now taken over my senses was Amara's.  I needed my dessert and I will take it from Amara tonight no matter what!

She will moan my name before going to bed tonight. That's my promise to myself and her.

Hey guys.
I hope you found this chapter steamy and it has gotten you all hot and bothered ;)
The next chapter holds much more.
Feel free to share anything you expect and ship names for Amara and Ian. May the best one win.

Shoutout to Fatema_30  Thank you for supporting me and loving my book.

Love you all ;)

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