Chapter 26

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Ian's POV...

She was not that drunk anymore after our little encounter in the car and was quietly gazing at the stars, following the moon with her beautiful siren eyes.

I drove in silence as well until we reached home. Parking the car in front of the entrance to the mansion I shot out of the car as I saw her struggling a little, her legs were still wobbly from all the alcohol she had consumed the night. I noticed her delicious curves as they invited me to trace my fingers all over them, sending my whole body into orgasms.

I couldn't bear her getting hurt hence, I picked her up in my arms and carried her towards our bedroom with her clinging to my vest.

Pushing the doors open to our bedroom I threw her onto the mattress making her back hit it.

Amara's POV...

It was a Deja vu! He threw me onto the soft mattress and I groaned, running those thick fingers through his disheveled hair in frustration and his gaze fixated on my curvy body. I was sort of in my senses now, knowing all too well what was going on around me.

I quickly stood up and began running my palms through the creases of the little red dress I was wearing. I knew I was in trouble but before I could move, Ian took hold of my waist roughly and twisted my body around pulling me into him and making our bodies collide against each other. He breathed down my neck as his hand moved lower and palmed my sex from above the dress, which made my body freeze.

All of a sudden, he pushed me into the bed and held my wrists in a tight hold.

"AMARA you dared to wear such a skimpy dress and roam around about everywhere. How can you be so fucking ignorant about the fact that we just got married and above all that how could you fucking flirt with that guy? If it wasn't for me reaching there on time you would have, I don't know! KISSED HIM". My nose flared with anger at the choice of his words as I struggled under his hold. What the fuck does he think of me. I AM NOT A FUCKING WHORE OR A CHEATING A-HOLE!

His other hand gripped my chin in place making me look into his deep ocean eyes. Tears stung my eyes but I didn't let them fall in front of him. I won't.

I smirked as I gave a snarky reply to his attempt to threaten. "Awwh poor baby didn't like my dress," I said pulling at my lip ever so slowly.

Making him lose his balance I quickly switched our positions. Now I was the one with power as I sat on top of him, I shifted a little down as I sat down on his dick, my hands running down his built arms. He was hard and poking against my ass already. Hunh. I smirked at the effect I had on him. Oh man, was I enjoying all this a little too much?!

"Firstly I can wear whatever the Fuck I want to dear husband, you are nobody to tell me what I can or can't wear. And anyway I, looked hot as fuck."

"Secondly, I can flirt with whoever the fuck I will want to, it is my life! By the way, that waiter was delicious, oh and you were right about only one thing tonight, I said making a cute face, I was about to kiss the cute waiter but you had to interrupt the moment hnn"

His eyes became 50 shades darker if that was even possible and he quickly switched our positions, his palm making its way to my throat as he tightened his hold on it. His other palm squeezed my love handles tight. His weight was on his knees as he dug them into the bed and looked at me with pure anguish..."DID. YOU. DO. ANYTHING. WITH. THAT. LITTLE. BOY TOY OF YOURS. AMARA. Aside from flirting with him." He said with his British accent. "Be honest baby, we don't want him dead."

My soul left my body as I shivered under his hold with fear and the tension was unreal. But I was not feared, I was to be feared from. 

My palms caressed his face as I got hold of his chin and made him look into my eyes. "WHAT IF I DID? WHAT WILL YOU DO IAN?" I answered smirking. My hands roamed around his beau features as my eyes did the same.

He tightened his hold on me as his fingers dug harder. YOU!!!


"YES!!  I DO AND I WILL", He said.

"Oh spare me this bullshit". Pointing my finger at him and staring directly into his eyes I poked him in his chest.


I can't have enough of this vixen. My god, she will kill me. She was getting on my fucking nerves but I still wanted her so bad. I pulled her in molding our lips together, my palms kneading her full breasts from above the little-to-nothing silk that covered them. She moaned into my mouth as I grazed my fingers above her hardened nipples. Staring into her siren eyes I swimmingly let out one of her bosoms free from the thin fabric. Gently scratching her nipple with the pad of my thumbnail, I leaned in to devour her beautiful long neck. God, she tasted like Vanilla, my new favorite. Moans of pleasure fell from her mouth as I squeezed her nipple between my fingers and bit her neck marking her with MINE.

Her head tilted back, her eyes shut in pleasure. I observed her actions and Glancing down at her sexy dress with displeasure I madly tore it into shreds.

Hearing the tear Amara's eyes widened and I threw the scraps on the floor.

She laid down, now bare for me, my eyes scanned her beautiful curves as they stopped at her full breasts.

Dragging my tongue down her throat and valley, I reached her navel and circled my tongue around it as I suddenly plunged it into her navel applying pressure. Her body trembled with the pressure of my tongue.

My fingers reached the last garment on her body as I traced her slit from above the cloth not giving her what she needed the most. Her pussy was so fucking needy and wet for me Aah I love this.

Like a bundle of mess, she started to squirm under me, begging for more. My madness has long died down but as I saw her begging for more of ME a new madness was beginning. She looked like a vixen spread like rose petals on my bed.

Though before she could cum I let go of her slit. This has to be her punishment for chatting up with that waiter and wearing such a dress. This will make sure she never wears it again for anybody else but me.

Although, I wasn't done with her just yet. I swiftly turned her body facing downwards so that her ass dangled in the air for me.

My palm spanked her ass hard and fast.

She squirmed under my hold "Amara I told you before as well if I ever find you flirting with any other guy there will be consequences. Don't make me repeat myself, this is your punishment for disobeying me, my love. You won't be orgasming tonight."

Her pool of heat was now making me lose my mind and it was getting harder for me to maintain my cool. Hence, I left for Adam's place leaving her beautiful body lying on my bed naked.


He left me embarrassed and hot for him. Gosh, I am so mad at him. I am his wife, not some trash can and this is not how he is going to treat me, I will teach him some lessons and take my revenge. Argh he is just so mean.

I quickly took a cold shower and got into fresh undies along with one of his hoodies.

If he thinks he can get away with this. He is wrong. Tomorrow you bitch. Game. Is. On. 

Hey guys :)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Love you'll

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