Chapter 7

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Ian's pov...

It's been four days to our engagement and I haven't heard a word from her till date. I cannot stop thinking of her, how her curves felt under my hands, how soft her hair was, how she had those red cheeks, how beautiful she looked in that dress of hers, how captivating her eyes were or how her cheeks felt under the pads of my fingers....I was pulled back from my thoughts as my father walked in.

Ian, he shook hands professionally as I greeted him back. What are you doing here ? I don't understand why are you not taking things seriously. Have you given the contract to Amara and gotten her signatures on the documents or not.

You do know right how important it is to have those signatures by next two days. After all its your marriage in six days, less than a week Son. I don't care go to her house by evening today...UNDERSTOOD !!

Okay, Father I will go to her house and get her signatures.

It was now 5 p.m. and I had to take the contracts to her place so i could get her signatures.

I don't know why but I was really excited to see her again. I really wanted to kiss the life out of her today and I will make sure I do exactly that. Whatever the consequences may be.

As i drove my Audi to her place I wondered how her soft lips would feel against mine or how her waist will feel under my big hands or how her breasts would mold in my hands and just how i will run my fingers on her nipples

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As i drove my Audi to her place I wondered how her soft lips would feel against mine or how her waist will feel under my big hands or how her breasts would mold in my hands and just how i will run my fingers on her nipples. I was getting hard just by thinking of her.

One thing am sure of is that something is seriously wrong with me. This never happens to me. NEVER.

I reached her house and parked my car near another car. It was a mercedes g-wagon. I don't remember my assistant telling me that Amara owns this car. Mmm maybe it's a new purchase. She might have bought it in these last two days.

I knocked on the door of her mansion and a maid open the door for me. Without going around the bush,

Where is Miss.Davies ? I asked with a straight face. Sorry sir who may you be ?
Hunhh don't tell me this woman didn't tell her staff about her to be husband. Damnit, I fumed. I am her Fiance now will you call my Fiancee for me.

Sir uhh she is in her bedroom, you can wait here and I will go call her.

No, not required...I will go get her myself.
Perfect opportunity to corner her I thought to myself.

Bu..But sir... Just lead the way whoever you are, I ordered frightening her.....I decided to ignore her frightened state and followed her smirking.

As soon as we reached her room she left the hall leaving, the door was closed and me being me without knocking decided to barge into her room. BUT I wasn't expecting what I saw...

What or Who I saw in her room angered me and my rage was at its peak. How dare he ?

The fucktard was there lying in front of me on MY fiancee's bed that too fucking shirtless, my blood boiled at that and I couldn't care less if i will break his fucking ribs today.

What the fuck are you doing here and where is Amara, i asked him angered.

Sorry guys...I am very late but I have a reason I had my exams but now they are cancelled so am back. I had to prepare for them..

I hope you guys like this part.

I have kept this short but next one is coming soon. 

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Thank you :) Without you guys this wouldn't have been possible....

Love ya my Readers ;)

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