Chapter 14

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Mature content(18+)

Ian's pov...

Now as we stood alone in my office I looked at her from down her heels, up to her beautiful long legs. I looked at how beautiful she looked in her white dress. She looked formal yet adding so much sex to her look.

My eyes darkened as I saw the slit between her dress. I could absolutely touch her and feel her on my fingers if I just slide my hand between there.

Her waist clad in that dress made it look so small and beautiful.

Her big globes weren't falling off like others but I could see the route down her valley of two beautiful mountains. I wonder how those pebbles will feel on my tongue. I wonder how they will feel when I will massage her breasts with my fingertips. Only If she knew the things I wanted to do to her right now. 

As my eyes traced each and every inch of her body she stood there hissing in anger making her cheeks go red and making her look more feisty and hot.

My eyes reached her neckline. As I looked for the spot where I had left my mark. But the scarf was covering it from anyone's eyes.

It pissed me off that she didn't want people to know whom she belonged to now. Why the scarf!?

I looked at her with lust and anger as I walked towards her taking my time.

As I walked, I stared directly into her eyes and she started to back up.

She reached the end and her back slammed into the huge mahogany door. I without wasting time blocked her way to get away from me by both the sides and looked into her doe eyes as my hands reached the latch of the door and locked it so that no one could disturb us in what was about to happen.

I could feel her breathing get faster within seconds. I saw her eyes trailed through my every movement and how she clenched her jaw out of nervousness.

I smirked looking into her eyes as I very slowly trailed a finger from her wrist up her arm till it reached her neck. With two fingers I very slowly undid the scarf as it smoothly slipped from her neck and I threw it on the couch nearby to us.

Very slowly touching her neck with my finger, I reached the part where I had left that bite on her.

I grazed the concealer off with my thumb as her desperation to hide the mark settled in my stomach. I could not believe how much this woman hates me. No one has ever made me feel this rejected before.

As i rubbed off the concealer i could see she looked at me nervous but trying to act all strong.

I moved her more closer to me as I locked any space between us which was left and leaned closer to her. I very slowly removed her hair from her face and tucked them behind her ear so that I could get a proper look at her face. As I examined her face I realised how tiny her nose was or how long her lashes were.

I breathed down her neck and slowly kissed her right where the bite was, moving up towards her ear I took her earlobe in my mouth as I took it between my teeth and then left it and sucked it. My right hand was now on her waist and I squeezed it as I moved her upwards making her lean towards the wall.

While kissing her collarbone and my hand on her back... suddenly my lips traveled on their own way to her jaw and then I kissed her right beside her lips on the right side and felt how her chest heaved up and down making them rub against my body. I teased her more as a moan left her mouth.

I smirked as I took my other hand and kept it on her left thigh as I squeezed it with my thumb and index finger. 

Mmmm Ian...she moaned, when she finally realised the position we are in...fuckk Ian stop this please...Mmmn

Noo, I groaned. As I kept going further. My hand was going higher and higher up her thigh. Let me feel you baby. Let me touch you. She tried to push me but I have already had her arms pinned against the wall. 

She closed her eyes as I explored her neck, kissed and nibbled her collarbone, attacking her neck and peppering it with kisses...

Let me devour you, baby girl.

Third person's pov...

He cupped her right breast and squeezed it from above her dress suit as she moaned in pleasure. Stop it please she said...He can't not this once... He needed to taste her lips this once.

His hand was still on her upper thigh... Noo he breathed down her cheek as his nose touched hers for a second before he finally captured her lips with his, time stopped in a collision of senses when his lips met hers. Heat rose from Amara's stomach to her chest when his lips met hers. She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts. She wanted more.  

She tasted like mint and chocolates to his mouth, while he tatsed of mint and wine to hers. The kiss was fervent as he sucked her lower lip with his upper lip. His fingers tangled in her hair and the one on the thigh rubbed small circles having a mind of their own. 

Suddenly he kissed her deeper as he held her frame in his arms, her once pinned arms now tangled in his hair caressing through making them messy. She didn't have control on her emotions anymore, she wanted this kiss as much as he wanted it. But as if something clicked in her she pushed him with all her energy.  

He looked at her smirking, breathing heavily looking at her with desire and lust in his eyes. And she stood there her breathing haywire. She finally looked down her cheeks red out of embarrasment and picked her handbag and ran out of his office.  

Hello Loves ;) 

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What do you think is going to happen now...well will the marriage take place or not?

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