Chapter 19

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I went down the stairs, and tipped towards the kitchen. I started with making a cup of coffee for me.

Everyone was asleep right now. I mean it was six in the fucking morning but I couldn't sleep because all my mind was doing was keeping me awake and over-fucking-think.

I was going into overdrive thinking how was I gonna survive six months without my family.

Yes I did submit the form but my heart was still reluctant on the prospect of leaving. But today we were going shopping or I should I say being dragged by Lily to shop before I left. By we I meant I, Sirius, James, Peter, Amelia and Lily were going and later Frank and Alice were going to join us, to say the least I was very excited for the shopping part not the leaving.

I quickly poured my coffee in my favourite mug and headed towards the couch. I settled on the couch with my warm coffee and a near to end book. I savoured the moment of silence. Utter silence in my head.

By the time I headed upstairs towards our room it was already near to nine. I quickly moved to my room. The cold air nipped at my bare upper body.

I slowly and carefully opened the door as I didn't want Sirius to get disturbed this early in the morning because my boyfriend was not at all a morning person, cranky Sirius was not something I wanted to deal early in the morning. I set my mug on my bedside and I got under the covers where Sirius still laid blissfully unconscious.

I sat there adoring over him. He looked so placid and calm right now. Cute as well I might add. I loved this guy yet I couldn't tell him, not yet anyways. I didn't want to freak him and leave me thinking I was a wanker.

I can't live without him.

I gently carcassed his face weaving my fingers through his hair. The silky hair I loved. I smiled to myself, guilt filling every core of my being on the prospect of living my kitten alone for this long. I sighed in defeat and slowly started to shake him awake. It was hard trust me.

"Siriussss darling wake up". I sang slowly. He grumbled a little but didn't open his. I shoke him again. This time he whined and buried in the side of my thigh as I was sitting. I sighed and laid down a little and started to pepper kisses along his jawline. He started to wake. Giggling a little he opened his eyes slowly. Sleep still laced deep in them he looked at me and smiled shyly. "Morning Rem." He said and buried in my side.

Morning kitten, sleep well?" I asked and felt him nod in my side. I raked my hand through his hair. "Siri get up now, you know we have to go shopping today." That perked his interest and he quickly scrambled out of bed. I chuckled and saw him retrieved in the bathroom.

The prospect of the impending trip might have been sad but everyone was coming around execpt Phonix. That kid was not ready for his sister to go. He was not talking to her, not eating anything, not going to school or doing anything in particular. Am was very worried for him but couldn't undo the trip now. But I had something in mind to cheer him.

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