chapter 16

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I saw Remus standing in front of a mirror admiring himself. He wore a white vest layered with a pink button up open and resting on his shoulders, his wide chest visible in full glory and a pair of black jeans and some boots. He was trying to tame his hair. After fidgeting for sometime he let them go and brushed his hand ones through them then turned around and stood in front of me.

"How do I look?" He asked. I smiled and said, "Perfect." He just sighed and sat at the bed. I stood in front of the mirror brushing my hair. As I was done I turned around offered him my hands. He smiled a bit then took them. I stretched him up and wrapped my arm around him and pushed him out.

We walked down. I grabbed my car keys and headed to the parking lot. The second I was about to push in the keys Remus stopped me.

"I wanna drive." He stated. I grinned and turned towards him. "Really." He nodded and took the keys. He started the engine and told me to slide in the passenger seat. I hesitantly sat beside him. He took off on a very fast speed. It honestly scared me a little but he seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Once we reached the restaurant I climbed out and thanked whatever God I could remember at that time. Remus parked the car and took my hand leading us in. We sat on a corner table talking quietly. I tried to ask about the letter but he changed the topic constantly. After some time I let the topic drop.

Throughout the dinner he didn't laugh or even say much just nodded and replied in yes or no. It irritated me that I couldn't help him. That I couldn't make him feel better. It tightened my throat. It suffocated me. But I stopped myself. I let him have his own space.

After the dinner we decided to just go back home. This time I drove. He just wrapped himself around himself and stayed silent. We reached home and the first thing he did was to go and open the drawer, take the envelope out, sit on the couch and read it twice, thrice maybe. I just stood there near the couch watching him.

Long after that he kept it back and came to me pulled me upstairs. He laid on the bed and I followed suit. He again wrapped himself around me. This time having his head in my neck and crying again. I just held him and let him cry. Their was nothing I could do. I felt like crying myself but I couldn't I needed to stay strong for him. I rocked him until I felt his breath even and I knew he was asleep.

But that I couldn't sleep. Rem's sad face kept coming back in my head. It played like a short film. I felt completely helpless. Jesus! Someone help me.


It's been a week since our date, since that bloody envelope came. It has changed our live. The once happy Remus has turned sad, gloomy, his eyes are constantly glossy like he'll cry anytime. I mean it's no news that Remus was a little snippy and often threw dangerous glares to strangers and even snapped at people big time. But he was that way only to strangers not his loved ones and family but the past few days he has been like this to all of us too.

All he did is read that letter. Stare off on space. He was always quite. All he did is nod to whatever anyone says. He is like robot. It's driving everyone crazy.

I missed his touch. He had not kissed me properly in a week. It was like he had lost all interest in me and the surroundings. I needed him back. I want what's mine. And he was mine. This did nothing but add to my insecurities about him being over me and not wanting me around. Mum, Lily and Reg all tried to talk me out of this brooding thoughts but one look towards Remus and all these thoughts rushed back in my head. I was damn sure he was going to ask me to leave any day.

So, today I decided that I was gonna talk to him and get this all clear. I wanted answer. He had to answer. God. Help.

I walked upstairs to our room just to find him sitting near the window, staring outside again. I walked up to him and he turned around facing me. "" I stutter.

"Sorry I am not in the mood right now." He said and was about to stand up and walk out of the room.

"AND WHEN THE FUCK WILL YOU BE IN THE MOOD, MAY I ASK?" I accidentally yelled, knowing it was my own self doubt talking and coming out as anger.

I was scared.

He turned around and stared at me. I stared at him too. "I said I am not in the mood, Please." he said and sat on the bed. "Remus what is it please talk to me. If not me someone else. Please don't bottle it up." I tried to convince him.

"Siri there is nothing to tell. I am fine. Don't worry." Now I was angry.

"Oh! The way you are behaving from the past few days, you are being lost and reading that FUCKING letter again and again, don't sell the same story Remus." I started to shout again.

"Don't you yell at me. I don't want help. I don't want your pity. Nothing. Don't worry about me. Okay. I am fine. Just stopping shouting you are giving me a headache." He said. I was dumbstruck.

Was I the one giving him a headache or was he the one making me worry. I did not know what to do. Tears ran down my face at a rapid pace. I couldn't control them. My insecurities went into overdrive.

"Fine talk to me when you don't have a headache." I said and went out of the room. I decided to sleep in Reg's room. I closed the door and heard a faint "Sirius wait." But I didn't and went straight to Reg's room.

I entered the room to see him playing a game on his phone and listening to some music. I went to his bed and he then noticed me. He took his earphones out and I asked if I could sleep next to him.

He nodded and made room for me. I laid and tried to sleep . But all I could do was cry. Reg didn't ask me anything. Maybe he knew what Happened. Well the way I shouted even Satan should know by now. I didn't know what will happen.

Hello people.
Here's another chapter for you guys.
I am boreddddd.
I know sad chapter but pls keep reading.
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