Chapter 3

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It had been a week since Remus and I went on the date. After that we met once again. This has been the best week of my entire fucking life.

It's just beautiful. Remus is beautiful. He is the best, funny and caring. His tall frame just added onto to the mix. His unruly hair was a delight to run my hands through. And his amber eyes were always so intense and they just sucked me in and left me all flustered. He was broad and had a sleeper build. And that rude snarky tongue that just got me every time.

Right now we were sitting in the school cafeteria. James and Peter on one side of the table. Me and Remus were at the other side of the table. I had my head on his shoulder and his was on top of mine. Our height dynamics work just the right way. My head just fell right on his chest while his sat completely over mine.

"Guys what should we eat?" James asked after we settled down.

"I think burgers and fries." Remus says.


"Okay I will get you guys, Jay help me man". Peter said and stood up. The idiots just wanted to leave us and give us some privacy but apparently these two were not the brightest cookies in the jar. They made it so obvious at times.

"Okay Pete, come on." James said while hopping out of his chair. With that they both left and I and Remus were left alone.

"You know, this has been the best week of my entire life by far." Remus said suddenly. I flashed him a big grin and felt my cheeks flush. No one has said that to me ever before, my friends didn't really count. No one I have dated before has said that, not that I have dated many people before.

"Yeah me too, I have never been this happy, thank you". I said and interlaced our fingers together. I was being genuine here, this was a long time after which I was truly happy in the presence of another person who wasn't my friend or brother. This giddy feeling was beautiful and I was loving it.

"No need to thank me, I did all that because I really like you". He admitted and I blushed deep crimson colour. He noticed and smirked at me. He always had a way with words, was it about complementing me or passing someone a backhanded insult. Remus did it all with a surprising ease.

"You know how much I want to wipe that smirk off your face right now." The smirk flustered me to no end and left me whining for more.

"Then do it". He said casually and smiled. The air of insignificance he always had blowing around him was so dynamic and powerful.

I was about to lean in when James decided to come and break the heavenly moment of me making out with this handsome hunk of a man.

"There you go guys". James said and slid our plates towards us and sat waiting for Peter to come back.

"Thanks James". Remus said.

"Yeah! Jamesie-poo". I said with a slight glare. Aggravated from the lack of kisses this man was cocblocking. Single ass fucker.

"Don't call me that, you idiot!"

I just stuck my tongue out at him. He mirrored my reaction and we shook our heads. Remus just laughed on our antiques.

"What are you laughing at sweetheart?" I asked with fake sweetness dripping my voice.

"Your cuteness, hunny". I blushed at hearing the compliment and nickname. He always did this. "You know you look really cute with that hairpin and sweater." He randomly exclaimed. I blushed and looked down happy with that compliment. Ever since I started going out with Remus, not even once has he ever said anything bad about my way of dressing. I have always been pretty confident about my way of dressing. But every once in a while a dumb fucker came by and insulted my way of dressing, my parents being one of them. They always had an itch with me not being straight or dressing up the way they wished.

Remus and my friends were very few people who rather than being disgusted by me, complimented me and made me feel beautiful. I seriously like this man very much.

Then only Peter came and sat and we ate our food and talked about random stuff. Our hands were still interlaced under the table. But we used our free hands to eat.

"James ! James, see that redhead". Peter suddenly pointed to Lily. Upon seeing Lily, James' eyes lit up as if Christmas had arrived early.

"Oh! My Lilypad. I should go and check how she is, okay guys!" He was about to stand up when I snorted loudly. The guy was becoming stupid day by day.

"What the fuck did you snort like a pig for, Siri?" He asked narrowing his eyes and settling his hands on his hips. Stupid fucker.

"Jamsie! Do you even know whose sister she is?" I asked, batting my eyelashes in mockery.

"Sirius! Is this actually the time to do this? Do you actually think I give a fuck about whose sister she is! Bring the fucker out." James exclaimed turning red.

"She is my sister. I am the fucker. Hi." Remus muttered in a flat voice. His eyes dark with a dangerous glint. As if he was ready to pounce at James.

Within the past few days, Remus had built up a rather dark, bad boyish-y figure within the school. He was tagged as the dark, mysterious guy who kept to himself and always had a book in his hand and looked absolutely ravishing with his messy hair. Though it bothered me to no end how girls swooned over him. But I always liked how people described my man.

"Oh I am really sorry, I didn't know that". James apologized and sat with a disappointed look. I felt a little bad for him.

"It's okay, you know what, you can go ask her out, but be careful and you might get hurt." He smirked and leaned back on his chair, casually slinging his arm behind my chair and resting on my shoulder and drawing me closer to him. His wide chest coming in contact with my shoulder. "She is a feisty one".

"Of course, Remus, I would never hurt her or try to get hurt myself, don't worry." James reassured looking way more relieved.

"Yeah! you better not or else Lily is going to take care of you herself."

Then only Lily came jumping towards us. "Hey Remmy! Hey Siri, how are you doing?" Her sweet smile lightened the mood further. Lily had this aura around her, which her brother apparently lacked a little too much of.

"Hey Lilypad how are you?" James asked before we could answer Lily. The guy had this dreamy look cross his face and cheeks turn blushy. James was down bad for her.

"Oh shut up Potter!", James scowled and sat back patiently. I feel Remus was right about Lily being a little Spitfire.

"Hey Lily I am doing good , how are you?". Remus said turning to her, but not moving away from me. I shamelessly buried more into his warm side. The guy was a literal fucking heater.

"Good, and what about you Siri, enjoying your company?", Lily asked smirking. I blushed deeply and said. "Good and the company is just beautiful."

"Oh shut up, Siri ". Remus replied and blushed. He had an aversion to taking compliments but that didn't stop me from showering him with them all the time.

"Lil-" James started. "Shut up". Lily said and stuttered away. James was left behind with his mouth hanging open. Peter and I burst out laughing and hi-fig each other, looking ridiculous as shit. While Remus sat looking all smug.

"Is she really your sister, Remus?". James asked innocently.

"Unfortunately, yes". We all laughed and ate our breakfast. I was still settled on him and huge smiles rested on our faces.

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