Chapter 4

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I woke up to the window pouring the sunlight inside and...someone jumping on me. "Regulus, get of me!" I shrieked and pushed him off me. He landed on the floor with a thud, "fuck you Siri". Was the only thing heard. My younger brother could be an absolute pain in my ass sometimes.

He stood up and said, "Get up sleepy head it's morning, Don't you have to pick Remus up for school."

On hearing this I shot up from the bed and leapt towards the bathroom knocking Regulus in the process, who was just to get up off the floor. "Slow down you fucking dimwit". I flipped him the bird and closed the washroom door.


I woke up from a soft shake and saw a mass of bright red head standing near my bed . "Morning Remus!". Lily said brightly. Jumping up and down with excitement.

"Why are you so fucking energetic in the morning". I said in a sleepy tone, my voice heavy with sleep. "What drug are you running on?"

"Cause normal human beings sleep on time and get up early, not like some people who don't sleep at night". She said and walked out of the room.

Whose is going to tell her what I was doing in the night?

"I was just gaming. Fuck off." I shouted behind her.

I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes, imagining what Sirius would be doing. I smiled at the thought of him. It's been quite a while since we started to go out and it was absolutely blissful. He was beautiful, his black locks. They were oh so fucking soft. His grey eyes they were just like ice and are just beautiful. The way h-

My thoughts were cut off by a pillow being chucked at me, eliciting another curse out of my mouth.

"Get up Sirius will be coming to pick you up any moment". Lily shouted, Why does she keep coming back to my room?

I sprang out and got ready. I was smiling the whole time. The mere thought of Sirius picking me up was making my heart flutter. It took me a good moment to explain mum the reason why I wouldn't be riding with them today. She was happy that I was breaking out of my shell. Whatever she meant by that.

I mean liking humans was not necessary.

I quickly tamed my unruly hair and put on my shoes before running downstairs. I was smiling like an idiot. I went in the kitchen and saw my mother making breakfast. "Morning mum". I greeted.

"Morning Remmy so, today your boyfriend will be picking you up." Mom said with a smirk. "And you are even smiling." She exclaimed as if she had seen me smile for the first time.

"Mom he is not my boyfriend". I said though I was blushing and had a desire to call Sirius my boyfriend. We haven't had the 'official' talk yet. But somedays I just wanted to pull him on my lap and have my way with him. But I knew that I had to be patient. I could not lose someone so beautiful over my own personal desires.

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