Chapter 1

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It had been a week since we joined our school. It has been quite good. Lily had become quite famous since then. I have not been in the limelight but minimally famous.

I talked to some people, not much. And managed to bag a few good friends whom I talked to occasionally. I had never been the most social, the role anyways best suited Lily. She was what you could a social butterfly, running on an unknown amount of horse power.

Right now I was getting ready for school. I was wearing a baby blue jumper, tight skinny jeans and my favourite boots. I combed through my unruly, unrelenting hair. When Lily came running inside my room.

"Remmy! Good morning". Lily said, happily bouncing on her toes.

"Morning Lils". I replied. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Just give me a minute." I brushed through my hair one last time, checked myself in the mirror, satisfied I turned to Lily and gave her a curt nod.

"Let's go have breakfast". I said and existed. "Morning mommy". Lily and I greeted our mother.

"Morning darlings". Mum said and kissed each of our foreheads. At this point it was like a subconscious tradition which all three of us unknowingly followed.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked, eyeing the kitchen. "Waffles". My mum replied smiling.

"Wow!" Lily said and we sat down on the table. Our mum serviced us and then brought her own plate and we started to eat.

"So how's school sweetie?"

"Good". I replied shortly and stuffed my mouth with the heavenly waffles. But Lily went on telling her all about school, her friends and blah, blah. One could clearly tell that Lily was the talker of the house, the one who kept conversation following, whereas Mum and I were the listeners. This never bothered any of us much. We fit in the dynamics perfectly and acted accordingly.

After stuffing our stomachs to our hearts content, we got up and I helped mum load all the dishes in the dishwasher, while Lily quickly dashed up to her room for some last minute touch up to her makeup. Add in an imaginary eye roll in my head.

"Okay let's leave, we are getting late." Mum said getting up and collecting her purse and other necessities. I put on my pair of beat up but comfy pair of converse and then grab my bag and we leave the house.

We reached our school and bid our mum a good day and she left, reminding us to be careful, as usual. "Rem we are 20 mins early." Lily chimed in from my side.

"I know, Lily".

But before I could say anything more one of Lily's friends came running and grabbed her hand dragging her away to God knows where. I sighed and walked to my class. I had history first. History has always been a pretty boring subject to me, I mean I did like an occasional fact or two, but a whole hour of past bullshit just annoyed me to my core. Half of the time I challenged myself to at least not doze of much less listen to whatever Ms, Finnick thought was important to our past culture. I call bullshit.

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