Chapter 13

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I hung the decoration on the wall when I heard the door opening behind me. I turned around on my stool carefully. I saw mum come in. She saw all the stuff happening around and smiled softly.

I and Siri, Reg and Lily were busy doing the Christmas decorations. We bought on the day of our shopping trip two days ago. The whole house was a chaos right now. It was all noisy from Lily and Reg fighting to Siri trying to talk to James on phone over their fighting with his already loud voice. That's why no one noticed mum who stood at the door smiling at the commotion happening.

Finally mom decided to silence them. "Good evening kids I am back." She said it loud enough for everyone to stop what they were doing and turned in her direction. "Good evening mum/ ma'am." Came the answer from all of us. She walked in closing the door behind her. I got off the stool and we all settled down beside her on the couch to catch up on the day. "How was your day mum?" Lily asked. "Nothing much", mum replied.

"Were you people decorating?" She asked looking around. "Yes ma'am we were." She smiled and turned serious. "Kids as you know I have been wanting to plan a Christmas feast." She started and we all nodded.

"Well you know Remus and Lily as every year your aunt and her family will be coming." Lily and I nodded. "I just wanted to ask if Siri and Reg you had anyone to invite from your family."

It would be an understatement to say  that Reg and Siri were shocked. They were. Siri stared at her for some time and opened and closed his mouth several times before saying. "Well ma'am we do have two sisters Narcissa soon- to - be Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks. Andy has a daughter, tonks and her husband Ted. Narcissa is engaged to a man named Lucious Malfoy but he won't be here as he has some wierd sort of busy business." He finished.

"But why do you ask ma'am." Reg asked after sometime. My mom looked at him with a soft expression.

"You see darling I want to invite them to our family feast." She finished and Reg's eyes went wide.

"But ma-". He started but was cut off. "No buts Reg please I want to know them. So please call them and invite them okay." She said and looked at Sirius, who after a moment nodded slowly. She smiled and got up to retire to her room.

We all got up and continued to decorate. Lily decorated the tree with Reg. I was in the kitchen and Sirius was in the living room. He climbed onto the stool. I stood under him to admire him, he steered on it for a minute but it wobbled and, damn he was falling. I rushed in and caught him before he touched the ground.

He slowly opened his eyes and I was met with a pair of sliver and beautiful eyes of my boyfriend. I smiled softly at him and he returned it with a kiss. By now I had wrapped my arms around him. He pulled away and I said. "Be careful angel or you'll get hurt."

He nodded, timidly and said. "Are you gonna put me down my gentleman." He chuckled and I dropped him. He landed on his bum with a thud and I  took off running. "Baby it hurts!!" He whined sitting on the floor...

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