Chapter 28

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I brushed my hair, styling it for the hundredth time. I was nervous, what for I didn't know. I mean this was Remus we were talking about and this was not even our first date. But it was still a little nerve-wracking. Because this was the first date after we confessed to each other yesterday.

I still couldn't believe Remus loved me  It was like a dream come true. I know that I have loved him for a long time. And I hated to admit I felt a little hurt when the video call happened during their trip and everyone confessed while we even couldn't make eye contact.

But now all the doubts and worries have left my mind and today I was going to my first date after confessing. It feels good to know that I could say that to Remus without any fears now. I smiled and sat on my bed, clutching Clark and waiting for Remus to come out of the bathroom so that we could leave.

Remus still didn't like Clark a lot, though he himself won it for me. Remus every night set it on the bed side table and cuddled up to me, saying that Clark had me for a long time and now it was his turn. I just rolled my eyes and let him have his ways.

I was deep in thought when the bathroom door opened and Remus came looking as sexy as ever. His hair was still messy from the shower and the nap he took. And the towel he was drying his hair with. Then he threw the towel at the bed and I scowled.

I hated when he does that.

"Remus how many times have I told you not to throw wet towels on the bed." I scolded him and he just groaned and looked at me with those puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist. I rolled my eyes and picked up the towel going in the bathroom to throw it in the hamper.

I came back to see Remus spraying cologne and finish getting ready. He turned towards me asking how he looked.


He scoffed, rolling his eyes and offered his hand to me, which I gratefully took and he guided us out.

"So exactly where are you taking me?"

I asked but he just shook his head gesturing to zip his mouth and throw the key away. I sighed and he pulled me out quickly.

"Babe slow down I can't keep up with that gaint legs of yours"

He slowed down and looked down at me. "Sorry, I am just so excited to go out with you after so long."

I nodded, happy seeing him excited. We resumed walking, this time slowly. We talked about stupid things until we reached his car.

"Ugh what do you think you are doing mister." He asked me and I feigned innocence.

"What? I am driving us."

"No you aren't, your driving is hideous and I don't wanna die young."

"Sirius you don't even know where we are going. Will you sit in the car like a good boy or am I to throw you in the car."

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