Chapter 14

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"WAKE UP BABY!!!" Someone shouted in my ear. I sat up abruptly and looked around my vision being blurry due to getting up like this. I blinked and looked around and that's when the face of my boyfriend came into view.

A wide grin on his face. I smiled and asked. "What is it babe, why did you wake me up early this morning. Come and just cuddle me."

"No Siri get up, it's Christmas. Come on we need to do a lot of stuff. Come on get up." he said shaking me very furiously. For a guy who was scowl-y most of the time he was sure happy for Christmas.

"Okay okay I am up." I declared finally giving up.

"Good morning and a merry Christmas to you, love." I said and kissed him. He kissed me back and then pulled away. Sprinting out of our room. Shouting like a child and waking everyone up. I chuckled at his childish behavior.

I got up and stretched out. Yawning I made my way down in only pajama bottoms and Remus's jumper. I walked down to see a half asleep Reg sitting on the couch and Remus jumping around the tree.

Upon noticing me he hopped towards me and hugged me still jumping. I tried to calm him when I heard Reg say. "Did you give him some caffeine or is he drunk?"

"I gave him nothing he just woke up like this." I assured Reg and sat on the couch dragging Rem behind me. Lily and mum sat cuddled on the couch.

We sat and exchanged presents, laughed, danced, and sang. For the first time I got so many presents it did made my eyes sweat a little but not a lot. Reg cried a lot on this. But we were happy.

"Okay kids I am gonna make breakfast and then we get ready for the feast." We all nodded and I turned to Remus. "Babe I need to give you your present so will you accompany me upstairs." I asked Remus in his ear so only he could hear me. He nodded and we got up to head to our room.

Once in our room I made Rem sit on the bed with his eyes closed. "Open them when I say, okay." He nodded and I went to the drawer under the TV and pulled out my present. I slowly walked to him and he opened his eyes.

He gasped at the sight in front of him making me laugh. "Sirius this is beautiful." He said, slowly. "Yes but not as beautiful as you are baby." I smiled at him.

"But kitten this is way to expensive." He said, frowning. "Relax Remus, it's nothing." I replied truthfully as it didn't even dampened the amount of money I had saved and had with me.

I pulled the bracelet out of it's box and held it up in between us. It was silver bracelet with small intial that represented us like our names, books, coffee, bike and all of stuff. Remus extended his wrist towards me and I slipped the bracelet on. He smiled softly and leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. It was short but meaningful.

We pulled away and he said. "Oh Siri my gift looks so small in front of this." I laughed and kissed his cheek, saying. "I don't care unless and until you bought me something." He smiled and rushed to our cupboard only to pull a big packet out of there.

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