Chapter 26

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"That's my shirt you dumbfuck."

"No fucker it's mine."

"Frank you have literally packed all my shirts, now what you gonna take my boxers too?"

"No I won't, I love mine a lot."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right who would even want two pair of SpongeBob and powerpuff girl's boxers of yours."

He pouted but threw me, my shirt about which we were previously bickering. I huffed and folded it as neatly as I could. I can't for shit. And then threw it in my suitcase.

"I am gonna go check on Amelia and Dorcas."

I nodded and saw Frank go out of the room. I sat on my bed leaving my suitcase open on my bed next to me. It's our last day here, at night we would be on a plane back to our home to our beloveds.

It felt good thinking about going back home. I feared it's going to be wierd just leaving all this behind. I mean I now kind of had a habit listing to Frank snore. But I also wanna cuddle with Sirius. Ughh it's hard.

I sighed and decided a cup of coffee would help right now. I shut the door of our room behind me. Right now everyone was running from here to there trying to pack all the things they originally brought and things that they bought in America. It was hard to pack after six months.

I reached the cafeteria and looked around, there were quite some tourists there enjoying their afternoon with a cuppa or two. It was pleasant today. Just to sit and enjoy and do nothing. But we couldn't because we had a lot to do.

I sat at one table and a waiter made his way to me. I smiled politely at him and ordered a coffee when he was within earshot.

After him leaving I settled in my cushion chair, observing people around. I did bring a book with me but didn't feel like reading. Just sitting here felt good.

My eyes wandered around, settling on an old couple sharing some biscuits and coffee. A small girl sat next to them silently colouring. They both were talking within themselves in hushed voices. The old women would occasionally let out a giggle or two. After a long time the lady shook the little girl by her shoulder gently and signed her something.  I shook my head understanding the situation. The girl signed back and they left after paying. Sweet.

Then my eyes settled on the window which was filtering quite some sunlight. A coffee was palaced in front of me. I smiled at the heart drawn upon the foam of the coffee. I clicked a picture and sent it to Sirius. He'll love it.

I felt some commotion next to me. I looked up to have my eyes meet Mary's dark brown ones, all the memories flashed in my mind. It had been over a week since Mary pulled that bitch move but yet that but ing desire to slit her throat didn't go away. She averted my gaze and turned around to sit in the far corner. Maybe that's how the things are gonna be from now one. I was not complaining.

Before I could complete my sentence she pressed her lips to me...

I couldn't do anything, it was like I froze, the time froze. It was only after her hands moved to cup my face that the reality hit me like a ton of bricks and I immediately pulled away from her. I breathed heavily not knowing what to do and make out of what just happened. It was as if my life has stopped short and I couldn't do anything.

We just stared at each other and panted. But this staring contest was broken when a shrill voice cut through the silence that had fell upon us. I looked up to see Amelia standing over with her hands on her hips.

"What the hell were you thinking Mary?" She demanded.

Mary straightened and rolled her eyes. "It's none of your business, bitch!"

Amelia shook her head, "You think you can get away with harrasing my best friend like that. And I wouldn't do anything, then sweetheart you are very wrong." She said glaring at her.

"Look as I said, O'Brien it is not your business. So stop butting in someone's business."

Am scoffed and said."Yeah it's none of my business but it's my best friends business. What do you think, you are going to get out of this bullshit. You know what you are doing right now is not proclaiming some one here. All you are doing is breaking a perfect couple.

You know Mary it's hard to find one true love in life. It takes people ages to find that perfect match. And Sirius here did. You are not harming Remus here but you are harming Sirius. It's hard to trust someone when you went through what Sirius had, I am not gonna tell you what happened with him but it was enough to shake him to the core. but he did trust someone. And that falling apart hurts the most. Because it  was unexpected.

Sometimes you already have an idea that things are falling apart so this doesn't harm you. But when a unexpected relationship breaks this way it hurts way more then imaginable. You know Sirius won't go around blaming Remus for doing this, he is gonna question himself that I
'is he not good enough', 'was he not satisfied with me', 'did I do something wrong' and those...those are the worst thought anyone can have for themselves. Don't do it. I beg you don't break a couple like that. It's not worth it.

I understand that my words are  like knives right now because you didn't get your endgame. The love you deserved. But maybe it's not with Remus. There is someone out there for you. I don't know when or where or how you'll find him or her. It's your tale to write not mine but believe me when I say it's going to be worth every single happiness."

Throughout this Mary stood with her crossed over her chest with a bored look, "are you done O'Brien?"

"Bitch you are seriously asking for it huh?" Amelia snapped and marched towards her and before I could stop her she wacked Mary really hard at the back of her head. Her face planted into the wall next to us and she grunted.

"Look O' Brien no one wants to listen to you motiviational speech, why don't you just shove the speech up you ass and leave us alone?" She said, breathing heavily and panting a little.

"Right Remus?"

"No, nobody wants to listen to your crap. How about you shove that up your ass and leave us all alone." I snapped having enough of her.

"You guys are going to regret this." She walked away, rubbing her head where Am hit her.

After her leaving I rushed and hugged Amelia tight. She chuckled and hugged me back. "Thank you, thank you Am, I am so grateful for you coming today." She rubbed my back. After sometime we pulled away and started to make our way back.

"Hey Amelia."


"Umm..what you said..I know it was in our context but it did have an ulterior concept right?"

I chewed onto my lip after asking this, I might have step a boundary here.

"Yes it had, but I am not ready."

I nodded and swung my arm over her shoulder walking inside the lift.

I sat my empty cup down and streched a little. Deciding to go back up. I sighed and walked to the lift to go up. Still thinking about that day. It was engraved in my memory. I couldn't talk to Sirius for three days because this happened, I couldn't just face him. He grew anxious and called Amelia at last. Then I had to confront him. And I told him everything. It was a messy call. But hey! everything worked out just fine.

The lift dinged open and I saw Frank and Dorcas standing in the hallway. I made my way to them and Frank swung his arm around my shoulder. They both smiled at me and Frank asked, "Ready to go home, Loverboy?" I Chuckled and said.

"Yes let's go back home."

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