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Skylar, Vince, Finn, and Clarke were trekking through the woods. Clarke wasn't too thrilled about the meeting. She glanced behind her shoulder every now and then, when no one's looking, to make sure Bellamy, Raven, and Jasper were following them. Skylar and Vince stayed in the front, talking about their past childhood memories back at the Ark.

"Remember when Daisy Mullocks asked you out?" Skylar asked.

Vince let out a sad sigh. "Yeah," he answered. "Only because she wanted to sleep with me to get back at Jack. Good thing I found out before things got a little more serious. Still don't know if I should feel flattered or insulted. But it's a long time ago, I've gotten over it."

"But I haven't. I don't understand. I mean, you're smart, hot, you got those eyes that make girls want to drop their panties for." She ran her hand through Vince's hair. "And you have amazing hair."

"Well, it is one of my better assets," Vince joked as he pushed Skylar's hand away. "And hey, do you know how hard it is to keep it this soft?"

"Very. So, what I'm saying're a great catch. I was just so pissed off at that bitch for using you like that."

"How could I forget?" A small smile crept its way on Vince's face. "You made a scene in front of everyone and called her a lying slut before threatening to send her to the Sky Box. Then you pushed her into the trash."

"Correction, I tripped her. Not my fault the trash was the one who broke her fall."

"Yeah, our track record with the opposite sex isn't really that great," Vince replied. "I dated a lying slut while you dated a self-loving egotistical douchebag and slept with a psycho maniac."

"And remember which self-loving egotistical douchebag told you about the lying slut," Skylar found herself defending. She froze, realizing what she said, before shaking her head. "Probably the only useful thing he's done."

Vince furrowed his brows as Skylar caught up with him. "You're defending -"

Skylar gave him a look. "I'm not. I'm just reminiscing, that's all."

Vince didn't believe her. What happened back at the camp was still clear in his mind about the small moment she and Bellamy shared. "Was that what you were doing back at the camp with him? Reminiscing."

"I don't know what happened. I was just gonna throw his jacket back at his face and leave but...we started to talking and it felt nice. He wasn't trying to put the moves on me. We had a decent conversation for once." She shrugged as she crossed her arms. "I don't know, it just felt like things haven't changed between us."

"But they have. We've all changed. Just because you guys had one moment doesn't mean he's not the same power-hungry bastard we all know today. And what if this was all part of his plan to get on your good side? Are you just going to take him back so willingly?"

"No," Skylar stated in a firm voice but she hesitated for a brief moment.

Vince sighed as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in for a side hug. "I don't really get what's going on with you two right now, but you can't forget what he did. And you would have been too if the Ark didn't decide to drop us off here."

Skylar sighed as she wrapped her arms around Vince's waist. "Why do you got to be the mom of the group?" she joked.

Vince laughed. "Someone's got to be."

Not that far, Bellamy held his gun tight in his hands as he glares at Vince. He still wasn't happy that Vince ruined his moment with Skylar. And how he is wrapping his arms around his girl, laughing together. If everyone at the camp didn't know they're best friends then they would have been mistaken for a couple.

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