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Bellamy just had to talk Skylar out of stealing the medication Vince needed. He gets it, Vince is her best friend. They knew each other since they were babies, so of course they would die to save another. Bellamy is going to miss the kid, but if Skylar gets caught then she'll get floated. Two bodies in the same night. It's not worth the risk in his book. Skylar gets caught, Vince still dies.

Bellamy made it to her room and was about to knock, but found the door already open. It was slightly cracked, but it was just enough for him to see in. He was a bit confused when he saw his mother talking to Lauren, Skylar's mother, and it seems like they were getting in a heated conversation.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Lauren asked Aurora. Bellamy got closer.

"Lauren -"

Lauren shook her head. "No! I thought our rations were getting smaller each day, but Skylar doesn't each much. Then I found out that she has been giving them to you so you could feed your kid. A kid that you've been hiding for the past 14 years." Bellamy froze. She knows about Octavia.

"It was her choice."

Lauren slammed her fist on the table. "Which you could have told her not to! How is fair for my daughter to die while yours gets to live?"

"Skylar isn't going to die. You know how much she means to my family."

"I sure would hope so, but that doesn't make up the fact that you have another kid."

"Lauren, you have to swear to me that you won't turn Octavia in." Lauren didn't say anything. "I can't lose my daughter."

"Well, you should have thought of that before you decided to open your legs for the world." Bellamy flinched when his mother slapped Lauren across the face. Lauren rubbed her cheek. "You can kick my ass all you want, Aurora...but I'm still turning your child in. Tonight."

Bellamy's mouth formed a tight line. Skylar's mom knows about Octavia, but instead of being a good friend and not saying anything, she's going to tell the Chancellor. He won't let anyone hurt Octavia. But there's a problem. She's planning on turning Octavia in tonight, the same night that Skylar is planning on sneaking and stealing. Who does Bellamy protect? Octavia or Skylar?

Bellamy's eyes widen when he sees his mother coming towards the door. He quietly ran towards the opposite direction of his place and hid around the corner. He looked back to see his mom walking back home, her posture defeated, shoulders shaking. She's crying. Bellamy leaned against the wall and cursed under his breath. If he stops Skylar, Vince and Octavia die. If he stops Skylar's mom, then Skylar and Vince die. Bellamy has never been this frustrated in his life. How could he save Skylar and Octavia?

An idea came to mind, but he knows it's going to end up in nothing but heartbreak.

Flashback Over

Skylar, Finn, and Clarke have been running in the woods for the past hour with Charlotte right behind them. Clarke and Skylar saw the whole showdown between Vince, Bellamy, and Murphy. Skylar wanted to bash Murphy's head in for hitting Vince, but she couldn't do that at the moment because they were about to take Charlotte. Skylar never once let go of Charlotte's hand as they followed Finn and Clarke, mostly Finn.

Clarke asking Finn questions was getting on Skylar's nerves. They're trying to hide from Murphy and her talking is just going to lure them. What also got on Skylar's nerves was when Charlotte tried to grab Clarke's hand, but she retracted it. Saying that just because they saved her doesn't mean she's forgiven. Skylar offered Charlotte her hand after. Just five minutes ago, Clarke wanted Wells dead. She was giving him the cold shoulder and now she wants to act like they've been best friends their whole lives. Sure, what Charlotte did was horrible, but that doesn't make it ok for Clarke to treat her with complete shit. Everyone is a delinquent. Some might have even killed a guard or two, but why aren't they getting yelled at by Clarke?

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