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Vince followed Finn around the woods as they looked for Octavia. Finn said he knew where the girl is and if Vince would guess, he was pretty sure that the girl is with the Grounder they tortured. Vince might look like an idiot but he's not stupid. Especially when his suspicions were confirmed when he heard the sound of people sucking face.

The Grounder glanced up for a moment and saw the surprised visitors. Thinking they were the enemy, he pushed Octavia behind him before taking his dagger out and pointed it at the "intruders." Finn and Vince held up their own weapons in case they needed to defend themselves. Finn held his knife up high while Vince held the machete. Vince thought about bringing a gun Bellamy and Clarke found but thought against it. If he wanted to show that he meant no harm then he shouldn't bring it. The machete was just for precautions.

"Finn? Vince?" Octavia called out shockingly. She saw the Grounder about to attack them and pulled him back. "Lincoln, wait, wait! They're my friends."

Lincoln and Octavia were looking at the familiar knife in Finn's hands. It was the same one that Lincoln used to stab him with while he got poisoned.

"I think you lost this," Finn said. Finn flipped the knife so the handle was facing them, but also making sure that he didn't cut himself. Lincoln didn't move as his eyes were now on Vince, who didn't lower his weapon...and because he was one of the people who tortured him.

Vince noticed as slowly raised his hands up in surrender. "We're not here to fight." He showed Lincoln the machete before dropping it on the grass. "I'm not here to torture you either." He glanced at Octavia. "And since you seem to know his name...I'm guessing he speaks English." Then his eyes went back to Lincoln. "I just want to say I'm sorry for my part in your torture. I was wrong of me, I was only doing it so I wouldn't lose another friend."

Lincoln looked between Vince and Finn while Octavia looked from them to Lincoln. The Grounder remembered Vince. He also remembered Skylar. The girl didn't want to torture him and was snapping at Vince for his part. Lincoln thought back of the conversation the best friends had before he escaped. Besides Octavia, Skylar earned his trust without her even realizing it. If the girl could forgive Vince then Lincoln can, too.

Lincoln slowly walked over to the machete before picking it up on the ground. The boys and Octavia were watching in anticipation. Octavia inched a bit close in case Lincoln decided to hurt Vince, but she sighed in relief when he turned the machete around and pointed the handle towards Vince. Vince's gaze didn't leave Lincoln's as he cautiously took the machete back. He looked around the woods before motioning the guys to follow him back to his little cave. Octavia gave them a look as they did follow Lincoln inside.

"So what the hell are you two doing here?" Octavia asked.

"We could ask you the same thing," Finn retorted.

"I'm not sure about that," Vince said. "They were pretty much sucking face when we arrived. They were probably..." Vince trailed off before he clicked his tongue together and whistled.

Octavia blushed in embarrassment. "It's not like -"

Vince cut her off. "Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything. But I will ask -" he crossed his arms "- how long have you known he speaks English?" Octavia looked down, unable to answer. "Except I'm not your brother. We're not here to interrogate you."

Finn noticed a horn sitting on one of the rocks and picked it up. It looked like a blowhorn that someone can use to warn other people when something dangerous is coming. He looked at Lincoln and even stated, "You blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you."

"I stabbed you," Lincoln argued.

"And we tortured you," Finn pointed out. "If the three of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it, right?"

"How's that gonna happen?" Octavia wondered.

"For starters, we could not kill each other," Vince said.

Lincoln shook his head. "I don't have the power to call a truce."

"Ok, great. Then bring us your leader. Someone who has the power to do so." Lincoln scoffed, not liking the idea and believing it was pointless. "Hey, you could think it's a stupid idea, but more of our people are coming. We have a ship that's supposed to arrive in two days."

"It's true," Octavia confirmed.

"And because of the attacks," Vince continued, "it'll mostly be soldiers, the people that enforce our laws."

"The Ark is about survival at any cost," Finn explained further. "They'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here, if they feel threatened they will start a war...and we don't want that. Neither do you. I think that's why you blew that horn."

Vince nodded and continued, "Once the soldiers get here, it'll be too late. We'll have no power to stop them. But if they see that we're at peace...then maybe - just maybe - we have a chance to stay that way."

Lincoln will admit that they've made a convincing argument. "Alright," he said. "You bring your leader, I'll be mine."

"What...Bellamy?" Octavia doubted. "He'll never go for this. Even if you get Skylar to talk to him, he'll never agree to it."

"We're not talking about Bitchamy," Vince reassured her. "He might like to act like he's in charge but we all know who's really in charge here." He gave Finn a knowing look.

Finn nodded in understanding. "Clarke."


A/N: Sorry for this short chapter. I might make a chapter in the future about Vince when he discovers what happened to Skylar while he was out. Let's just say he's not going to be happy with Bellamy.

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