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Skylar was running around keeping her eyes out for Roma. It's not safe for her to be running with all of these Grounders here. Skylar tried to slow down so she's not that far away from the group. She was so out of it, she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around about to punch someone but stopped when she realizes that it's Vince. 

"Don't scare me like that," she whispered harshly.

He couldn't help the small grin on his face. "Don't get distracted then." He nodded behind her. "There's she is."

Skylar turned around. Roma was there. She was behind the tree. The two best friends made their way over as everyone else caught up.

"Roma," Skylar whispered. No answer. Not even movement.

Vince gave Skylar a look that told her to stay back as he went towards the figure. When he noticed the spear lodged in Roma's chest he sighed sadly. He looked towards Skylar and Finn, who caught up with them, and shook his head.

"They're playing with us," Finn said.

Vince nodded before he closed Roma's. "Yeah, and they're winning."

Bellamy's mouth slowly opened. "She only came because of me," he breathed.

Vince glared at him. "Isn't that just a funny pattern? Whenever you decide to involve people with your mess they're the ones that end up getting killed."

Bellamy glared back

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Bellamy glared back. "Oh, like you? How you're supposed to die back in the Ark." Bellamy took a threatening step forward. "I should have killed you then."

"Well, I'm right here. What are you waiting for?"

Skylar stood in the middle and held her hands out to their chest. "No one is killing anyone," she said. She glared at them. "We're here for one reason only. Octavia. She's our main priority, so either you two knock it off or I'm going to shove my knife into both your knees to give you something real to bitch about."

Vince and Bellamy kept glaring at each other.

"Understand?" Skylar seethed. Finn wanted to laugh. It was like a mother scolding both her kids.

"Whatever," Bellamy said.

"Fine," Vince added. "I hope the Grounders find you."

Then Vince started to walk away. Bellamy glared at his retreating figure before looking at Skylar. He hoped she was picking his side. But she just shook her head before going after Vince. They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice Jasper's shaking figure. He realized that the Grounders could kill them whenever they want. What is the point in hiding if they're gonna find them anyway.

"Come on!" Jasper screamed. Finn's eyes widen as he rushed over to stop Jasper. "We know you're out there!" Bellamy rushed over and held Jasper back. "You want to kill us..."

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