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Skylar was the first to wake. She felt a pair of arms around her waist before remembering they were Bellamy's. He must have moved while they were sleeping because her face was right in front of his chest while he was slowly breathing down on her. Skylar also realized that her hand was on his chest. She looked up at him to see that he was still sleeping. Sudden urges made her want to kiss him awake, but she remembered what he did. It also didn't help her thoughts from wondering off. Bellamy looked so peaceful. Like how he did back at the Ark before he became a power hungry douchebag.

Skylar slowly turned around and was about to get up until Bellamy held her back more tight. He got more comfortable and buried his face near her neck. Skylar rolled her eyes. Now she doesn't care if she ruins his sleep. She needs to get up and find Vince. She began shaking Bellamy's shoulder.

"Bellamy, get up," she whispered. Bellamy didn't move, unknowing to her he was awake. "Bellamy, get your ass off me."

"Need any help," she heard Charlotte ask as she groggily got up.

Skylar nodded. "Will you?" Charlotte went over to them. Bellamy didn't dare to open his eyes. "I'd cover your head."

Skylar nodded again before covering her head. Charlotte then fell forwards and landed on top of the two. Bellamy finally groaned on the impact, not expecting that.

"What the hell is going on?" He groaned as Charlotte got off and Skylar rolled away from him. Charlotte handed Skylar her jacket.

"It's morning," Skylar said as she tried not to miss his warmth. "Your ass can stay in here, but I'm going to find Vince."

She made her way towards the exit, but Bellamy scrambled up and ran after her. He grabbed her arm before she could leave.

"You're not going out there," he said. Skylar glared up at him. "You don't know if that fog cleared up."

"I don't give a shit." Skylar went to go around him, but Bellamy stepped in her way. "Out of my way, Bellamy."

"Look. Just let me go first. I'll tell you if it's all clear. Stay here until I say otherwise." Skylar rolled her eyes again before going past him. "Or don't."

Bellamy ran to catch up. He made it past Sky and held her back as they saw the bright light. Bellamy gave her a look to stay back before he made his way outside. No fog. No sign of the yellow smoke anywhere.

"It's all clear," he told the girls. Skylar gave him a look that says I told you so. Bellamy rolled his eyes before looking around. "Anybody out here?"

"What kind of idiot is going to answer if you just stand here?" Skylar snapped. She started walking ahead of them, her hands cupping around her mouth. "Vince? Vince?!"

"Skylar?!" She heard Vince. Skylar followed the sound with Bellamy and Charlotte following after her.

Bellamy grew this angry pit inside of him. Skylar's constant worrying about Vince. He's going to get her killed one day. Not only that it's only Vince Skylar seems to care about. Skylar sighed in relief when she saw Vince with Jones.

"Vince!" Skylar exclaimed happily as she ran towards him. Vince held his arm out wide as Skylar crashed into him. She held on to him tight. "Thank god."

Bellamy tried not to glare at him as he looked at Jones. "Lost you in the stew. Where'd you go?"

"Vince found a cave down there," Jones said as he and two others caught up. "The hell was that?"

"I don't know." Bellamy looked towards the group and noticed someone missing. "Where's Atom?"

Jones slowly shook his head. They had no idea.

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