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If there is one thing Vince and Skylar knew about Bellamy is that he's sneaky. He's a sneaking, conniving son of a bitch. They knew they had to follow him, but they hid behind a few trees to make sure he doesn't see them. There's something in that pod that could have actually helped them and for some reason Bellamy wants to get his hands on it.

They followed him until Vince spot Octavia coming not that far. He grabbed Skylar and hid them behind the tree.

"Bellamy!" Octavia called out. Bellamy stopped. "What are you doing?"

Bellamy looked around them before looking at his sister. "Go back to camp. It isn't safe."

Another lie, Vince thought. Even Octavia saw right through it.

 Even Octavia saw right through it

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"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod..."

Bellamy shook his head before pushing Octavia back. "Just go home!"

Skylar glared at him. "That son of a bitch -" She was about to leave her place and smack Bellamy, but Vince pulled her back and held her.

"Shhhh," he whispered. He looked behind to see if they were spotted, they weren't. "You can kick his ass later."

Octavia glared at him. "You always want to play the big brother, huh? The protective boyfriend?" Octavia got in his face. "Well, guess what? Joke's on me and Skylar. You're just a selfish dick."

Finally, she sees that, Vince thought.

Bellamy shook his head, getting angrier by the second. "I did this for you, to protect you. To protect Sky. She's here because of me!" Bellamy knew Octavia couldn't understand. And he also knew that she's going to keep following him until he gives an explanation. "If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do...I'm dead."

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows. What did Bellamy do in order for him to think the Ark wants him dead?

"What did you do?" Octavia asked.

Bellamy closed his eyes for a second. What he had to do to get on the drop ship. What he had to do to be with his sister and ex.

"I shot him," Bellamy breathed. "I shot Jaha."

Vince and Skylar were shocked at the news. Why on earth would Bellamy shot the chancellor? Skylar shook her head. Bellamy shot Wells's dad in order to be here. Why did he think that was such a good idea?

"What?" Octavia whispered breathlessly.

"I found out they were sending you and Sky to Earth. I couldn't let you two go alone. Someone came to me with a deal - do this. Kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it."

"He killed the chancellor?" Skylar asked above a whisper. Maybe she should stay away from him. He killed her mother, he killed the chancellor, who knows what else he could have done.

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