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Skylar wasn't sure what happened. She just wanted to return Bellamy's jacket to him and enjoy the rest of Unity Day with Vince. Except she ended up by the fire with Bellamy, with his jacket around her still, as she told him what she saw the night she ate those nuts. Bellamy had a good laugh when Skylar said she thought she had wings and could fly.

"I swear, I felt like I was weightless," Skylar laughed as she began explaining the feeling. "Then I looked back and, I kid you not, there were these two huge purple and blue wings on my back."

"Maybe we shouldn't be eating things we picked then," Bellamy joked, loving the time he's spending with her.

"Unless you want to have a good time." Skylar grabbed the apple she was eating and took a big bite. She let out a small chuckle after biting it before she pointed at Bellamy. "Remember, back at the Ark, and you snuck in some moonshine to my room?"

Bellamy grinned with a small head shake. "Yeah, we drunk so much of that stuff. You swore your room was spinning a million miles a minute. Then it got all hot and you decided to take your shirt off in front of me for the first time. Which was bad timing because your mother decided to walk in and -"  Bellamy froze. He mentally scolded himself in his head for mentioning Skylar's mom. He knew he fucked up at that moment. "Sky -"

Skylar held her hand up. "Don't," she said before tucking her hair behind her ear. "Just don't."

And that's when the conversation ended there. Skylar was looking at the apple in her hands, finding it more interesting at the moment. Her mother got Floated and Skylar got sent up to the Sky Box. So, she didn't have anyone to hold her while she cried over her mother. Skylar remembers that cold, empty room they threw her in. Her hands banging against the door to let her out. She begged for them to at least let her see Vince. When no one answered, Skylar slid down against the doors and cried. Her mother, gone. Her best friend, could be dead. Her boyfriend - ex now-  betrayed her. Skylar had no one that day.

Bellamy tilted his head as he watched the girl with sorrowful eyes. At this point, he doesn't know what to do to make her feel better. It's like everything he tries ends up backfiring on him. He knew this wasn't the right time to apologize. That's not what she needs right now. Right now, Skylar doesn't need a boyfriend to comfort her. She just needs a friend.

"Hey," Bellamy spoke softly to gain her attention. He placed a comforting hand on her knee. "If you ever want to talk to someone, just remember I'm here for you, ok? Not as a exboyfriend, not as some guy trying to get you back, as a friend."

"Thanks but she's got plenty of those already," they heard. Vince was looking at the pair with knitted brows as his eyes gazed on Bellamy's hand that's on Skylar's knee. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't care if he was interrupting. "Sky, I need to talk to you. Like now." He glanced at Bellamy. "Alone."

Bellamy shook his head and started with, "You serious?"

Vince grabbed Skylar's arm and yanked her up. "Yup. I need to have an A B conversation with her. So please, C your way out of it." He noticed that Bellamy's jacket was still on his friend and pulled it off her before tossing it to the Blake boy's head. "And you can have that back."

He used that distraction to pull Skylar away. There is without a doubt that Bellamy would have followed them if Vince took Skylar away from the camp. So he needed that twenty-second head start to get Skylar alone.

"Wait, wait, Vince," Skylar called out as Vince continues to pull her. "Where are we going?"

The boy shushed her. "Not now," he whispered. Vince looks back to see Bellamy taking his jacket off his head and looking around the camp in confusion. Vince quickly pulled Skylar away until they were at the edge of the campsite. He looked around to see if Bellamy followed them and sighed in relief when he didn't. Vince sighed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Vince," Skylar called slowly.

"Finn and I set up a meeting with the Grounders," Vince informed her.

Skylar's mouth dropped. "What? Are you serious?" The girl looked around before pulling Vince further away from the campsite. They kept walking until the duo came across a clearing. Skylar brought her hand back as she spun back to her best friend. "A meeting?"


"With who? How?"

"You know that Grounder that you were getting all buddy-buddy with? Turns out he has a small thing going on with Octavia. We followed them we found out the guy actually speaks English. And he believes that we can live in peace. So, we set up a meeting. Finn went to get Clarke on board -"

"You're involving Dora?" Skylar interrupted. "Do you really think that's the best idea? What makes you think she wants to talk to the people who've done nothing but kill us?"

"Look, I'm not happy that the princess has to be the one the Groundes talk to. But Lincoln thinks she's the best bet because they'll see her more as the leader."

"Lincoln? Since when were you two on first name bases?"

"Since I apologized to him. He could have killed me when Finn and I found him but he didn't. And he's the one who helped us when we were surrounded by his friends. He was the one who blew that horn to get them away from us.

"You and Octavia were right about trusting him. He's done more for us in a few days than anyone else from the safe zone in months. He wants peace like us. And I believe we can achieve that by meeting with them. No guns, no violence. Just like a normal peace treaty and find common ground. And I'm kind of hoping you could come with us."

Skylar pondered at the thought. "You mean, going on a suicidal mission for world peace with you?" A slow grin crept on her face. "Count me in."

Vince smiled at the blonde before wrapping his arms around her. Unknowest to them, things are going to be...a bit surprising. Finn just told Clarke the news about the meeting. It was obvious Clarke didn't trust the Grounders one bit. They almost killed Jasper and actually did manage to kill a few of their friends. Clarke agreed to attend the meeting and that she'll meet Finn right by the gate...she just needed to do a few things first.

Clarke looked all over the camp until she found a certain Blake wandering around. "Hey," she called out. Bellamy ignored her as he tried to look for Skylar and Vince. "I need to talk to you."

"Having fun yet, princess?" Bellamy asked rhetorically as his eyes still scan around.

"I'm serious."

Bellamy sighed, not in the mood for her. "You always are, so talk. And make it fast."

"Finn and Vince set up a meeting with the Grounders," she said. Bellamy's brows furrowed. "I'm leaving to go talk to them."

"Because you figure that impaling people on spears is code for let's be friends? Have you lost your damn mind?"

"I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." Clarke knew Bellamy wouldn't help her the slightest. Probably happy if the Grounders killed her so he could run the camp how he wants it. Clarke decided to play dirty and said, "Vince is getting Skylar right now so she could come with us."

"What?" Bellamy growled. He wanted to know what was wrong with O'Malley. Vince is usually the one that pulls Skylar away from the danger, not push her towards it. He got so pissed off, realizing that's why Vince pulled Skylar away from him. "Is he crazy? They'll probably gut her, string her up as a warning."

Clarke knew she got him right where she wanted him. "Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup."

"Does Finn or Vince know about this?" Bellamy asked.

"They don't need to know." Clarke was a bit relieced when he finally agreed.  She was about to head out and get her pack until she almost forgot the most important detail for Bellamy to do. "And, Bellamy...bring guns."

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