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Bellamy kept his distance from Skylar and Vince while they looked for the radio. Bellamy meant what he said. Skylar is still his girlfriend. He still cares about her. That small moment they had in her tent meant something to him and he knows it meant something to her, too.

The way she scooted closer to him. The way she held him in her sleep as if nothing were wrong. The way she held her hand in his. He could still feel the warmth that came from it. If Skylar really hated him, then she wouldn't have asked him to stay. But he screwed up...again. What hurt Bellamy the most is the fact that Skylar's afraid of him. He didn't want that. He doesn't know what's worst, that she hated him or that she's scared of him.


It's not or never for Skylar. She made sure she was out of her room before curfew started before slowly heading over to the med-bay. She heard footsteps coming from up the hall and quickly hid around the corner. They got closer. Skylar held her breath, fearing that even the guards could hear her breath.  Once the footsteps went pass her, Skylar slid out from the corner and continued running down the corridor. She kept looking back to be sure no one was following her.

When she made it to the med-bay, she punched the code in before heading inside. She didn't hesitate, she made her way towards the cabinets and began looking through the vials. She rummaged each shelf before she finally found the medicine that could heal Vince. Skylar smiled before pocketing the via. She was about to leave, until a voice stopped her.

"What do we have here?"

Flashback Over

"You know he's staring at you, right?" Vince stated as he and Skylar began tightening one of the bolts of the flares. The radio was ruined, but Raven knew of a way to reach the Ark. To send a signal to let the people know that Earth is survivable, so they could save the 300 people who were about to die.

Skylar rolled her eyes. "I know. I could literally feel his stare burning the back of my head."

"You're did the right thing, ignoring him. Maybe he'll get the hint."

She gave Vince a look. "Oh, please, like Bellamy could take a hint."

A bright idea came in Vince's mind. "You know..." He dropped his wrench and stood in front of Skylar. He gently pushed her back until her back hit the small stand. "I do have a way that might get him off your back."

Skylar gave him an amused look. "I'm not having sex with you, Vince."

"Woah, woah, woah, I was talking about killing him," Vince began joking. "But now that you mention it -" Skylar smiled as she pushed him off her, not seeing the glare Bellamy was sending Vince's way. "You know I'm kidding."

"I know."

"But you did had sex with Murphy, which I'll admit stung a bit. I mean," Vince motioned towards himself, "what's wrong with me?"

Skylar picked up the wrench she dropped before grinning at him. "Nothing. I just want nothing affecting our friendship. People somehow fall for my charm."

"Oh, please, the only charm you have is a bowl of Lucky Charms," Vince teased. Then he imitate the slogan with a bad accent. "They're magically delicious."

"At least I get eaten."

Vince's face scrunched up. "Ok, didn't need to hear that." Vince turned to look at Raven, the mystery girl's name, who was talking to Clarke. "So what do you think of the newbie?"

Skylar looked at Raven before turning back to Vince. "I like her. She's pretty cool."

What they didn't know was that Raven heard that part of the conversation. A small smile crept on her face as she looked at the best friends.

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