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Clarke, Skylar, Vince, Bellamy, and Finn were gathered around the tent hiding Charlotte. Although Vince wanted nothing more than to punch the little girl, he couldn't. She was just a kid. He just needed to know why Charlotte did what she did.

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy indignantly yelled. This isn't right. They were in a hurry to kill him when the only evidence they had was his knife, but with Charlotte's confessing to it, they wanted to take it easy one her. Just because she's a kid. It doesn't matter if she is to Murphy. She was on the dropship like the rest of them. What makes her any different from the rest of them for her to get special treatment?

"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked the crying girl.

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me," the girl explained.

"Wait, what?" Vince asked. His gaze snapped at Bellamy. "What the hell is she talking about, Blake?"

Skylar came to Bellamy's defense. "It's not his fault. She misunderstood him." Skylar looked at the kid. "Charlotte, that is not what he meant."

Vince was seething. He went towards Bellamy and grabbed the collar of his jacket. "Then what the hell did you mean?"

"Vince!" Skylar screamed.

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy yelled. Only two people at camp came to his defense. No one else did. Not even his 'friends.'

Vince didn't remove his glare from Bellamy. "Wells is dead because of you. Now Murphy wants to kill an innocent girl because of you. You could have stopped them, but no. You let your anger get in the way because Murphy fucked your ex. Newsflash, she's not your girlfriend anymore. She's allowed to mess around with anyone she wants."

Skylar came up to her friend and grabbed his wrist. "Vince, that's enough. We can't let them hurt Charlotte. You two can deal with this later."

Vince didn't move for a while until he pushed Bellamy back. Bellamy began fixing his jacket before looking at the group.

"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up," he said. The group didn't say anything. "Now you stay quiet."

Skylar crossed her arms. "Can you blame us?"

"Those are your boys out there," Finn added.

"This is not my fault," Bellamy protested.

Skylar nodded. "You're right. It's not your fault." Bellamy felt a little relieved. Skylar glared at Clarke. "It was hers!"

Clarke's mouth flew open. "Excuse me. How is this my fault?"

Skylar scoffed. "What do you mean how? If you didn't get this stupid camp all rallied up about Murphy being the killer and something needing to be done, this wouldn't be happening. If you would have just listened and not interrupt me, then this wouldn't be happening!"

"Well, how the hell was I suppose to know that Murphy had an alibi?! How was I suppose to know you were with him? Why the hell did you sleep with him anyway?!"

Skylar froze. Her gaze caught Bellamy's, who also wanted to know why, before she shook her head.

"It doesn't matter why I did it," she said. "What matters is, because of you, Murphy almost got killed for something he didn't do. Now he wants justice. You guys wanted him killed, so he wants Charlotte killed. Seems only fair in his eye."

Right on cue, Murphy yelled again. "You want to build a society, Princess?" Clarke reached the bottom of the tent and pulled it up to see Murphy with a few people backing him up. "Let's build a society. Bring her out."

"No!" Charlotte cried. "Please, Bellamy. Skylar."

Skylar felt bad for her. She grabbed Charlotte and pulled her into her until Charlotte was able to wrap her arms around her.

"No one's going to get you," Skylar promised.

Bellamy nodded as he knelt down. "It's gonna be ok. Just stay with Skylar, ok?" Bellamy looked up at her. "I trust her."

That sentence made Vince want to gag. Bellamy was about to leave, but Vince decided otherwise. There is no way in hell that Bellamy is going to talk to them alone. He might just make things worse for all of them. Bellamy didn't object this time as they made their way towards the camp.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us," Murphy said. He was a bit confused as to why Vince was with him. "Did you two kiss and make up?"

"You're not killing her, Murphy," Vince went to the point. "Just dial it down and back off."

Murphy glared at him

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Murphy glared at him. "Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me? Didn't know you became his bitch. And the last time I checked, they were gonna hang you and DeVoe too."

"Because the people here are idiots. Bellamy was just trying to act macho and give them a show." Bellamy gave Vince an offensive look, but let it slide.

Murphy slowly nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. That's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" Murphy looked towards the crowd and raised his knife. "So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor?" A few people raised their weapons. The rest didn't, disappointing Murphy. "I see. So, it's ok to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!"

Bellamy had enough. "Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over."

Murphy slowly nodded. "Whatever you say, boss."

Bellamy nodded before turning around. Vince glared at Murphy before following Bellamy. If Murphy wanted to hang the murderer, then everyone involved in his hanging would have been killed too. They were both distracted that none of them saw Murphy pick up the branch and whacked the duo across the heads, knocking them out.

"Son of a bitch!" Octavia yelled at him. Jasper blocked her path, afraid Murphy might hurt her, too. "Hey!"

Murphy got in front of Jasper and punched his nose. He fell down as Octavia went around them.

"Sky!" She yelled at her friend in warning. "Skylar!"

Murphy motioned to his followers. "Come on, let's get the girl." They made their way towards the tent and lifted the flap open, only to find the place empty. Octavia smiled. They got Charlotte out. But Murphy's anger rose. "Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay!"

Skylar held Charlotte's hand as they followed Finn and Clarke out of the camp. The ran through the woods to put as much distance from Murphy as possible.


A/N: Murphy, you son of a bitch. You hurt Vince...and Bellamy.

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