Chapter 7

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"Ugh... Ow.. My head." Uncle Henry groaned as he came back to consciousness.

"Are you alright?" I asked, coming to his side.

"Yeah. I'm fine. That was so weird though." He said. I tilted my.head in confusion. "I saw images. Just before I passed out."

"What did you see?" I asked.

"The machine... then Joey's wheelchair. Then a tall figure. Much like the what reached out to us."

"Bendy?" He nodded.

"Yeah. But he was taller. Scarier. Skinny. He was more monstrous. Like an actual demon." Uncle Henry said. I shivered at the description. Just the thought of something like that is roaming around the studio. We're bound to cross paths with it again.

"Come on. Lets press on." Uncle Henry said. I nodded my agreement.

He opened the door and I followed him down the stairwell. I jerk at a board falling. I let out a frustrated groan.

"How'd this place get so big?" Uncle Henry asked himself.

"Was this not here while you worked here?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Probaby was. I never been to this place before. There was a separate entrance for the music department." He said and then he paused. "And that's how we're getting out."

I gave the room a quick look over while Uncle Henry ventured ahead. I spotted a audio tape sitting on a desk.

"Man. These things are everywhere." I said. I hit play.

-He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness.

I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me.

Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept I'm you final loving embrace.

But love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?-

I regretted playing that. I felt uncomfortable after hearing that.

"I SAID... CAN I GET AN AMEN?" The same voice sounded, causing me to jump and scream. I run off towards Uncle Henry.

We got to a door way that led into a hall filled with ink. Uncle Henry had me stay there while he stepped in. Then he turned back to me.

"Come on. Its only ankle deep." He said. I stepped in, foloowing him. I didn't like walking through ink. It felt weird and disgusting but I didnt have much of a choice.

As we walked along, Uncle Henry suddenly stopped. I was confused but then saw why. It was a humanoid figure. I noticed it had a Bendy cutout in its grasp.

"Hello?! Can you help us? Hello?" The figure ignored Uncle Henry's calls as it walked along, whispering something.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep. Its time for sleep. Rest your head.. Its time for bed."

We got out of the flooded hall and turned the corner, only to find the mysterious figure gone.

"Where the hell did he go?" Uncle Henry asked.

"Maybe we... hallucinated that?" I suggested. Uncle Henry just dismissed it.

"Let's just continue on." He said and walked towards the other end of the room. I stand where I was, having a staring contest with the Bendy cutout. "Alright. I see." Uncle Henry said.


"We need to flip three switches before opening the door. He said. "Stay here." He said starting back down the hall.

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