Chapter 21

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I stood aside as Uncle Henry fights off the burcher gang and searchers. I wish I could help but they avoid me like the plague. So I leaned against the door, watching. He knocked down the last searcher then it became quiet. Until Alice's soft voice came sounded.

-So quiet. Like a welcoming grave. I like the silence, don't you?-

"Eh. Not really. I hear everything when its quiet and it freaks me out. That's why I'm on edge ninety-nine percent of the time." I say. Alice said nothing about my remark.

-I hate leaving work unfinished! That's why
.. I have you to pick up the pieces. But you have to go even deeper... Down, down into the darkness. Take the lift down. Say hello to an old friend. Also, take this. Sending you off with a little firepower.-

The dispenser thingy opened to reveal somethinf I never thought would even be here.

"A tommy gun!! Cool!!" I said as Uncle Henry took it. I follow him up to the lift. Then he turned to me.

"I can take this one. Why don't you go rest?" He asked.

"No. I'll go with you. I'll just stay in the lift with Boris. I feel like the angel has something sinister planned. I think we should stick together."

Uncle Henry thought about it for a bit. "Alright. Lets go then." He said, walking towards the lift.

It was so dark down on level 14. The entire room floor is covered in a lake of Ink. I watched from the top floor as Uncle Henry ventured down. Once he got to the level below me, Alice spoke.

-Ahhh. There he is. The protectionist. Skulking in the darkness. You be sure to stay out of his light, if you don't want trouble. Just bring me back the pieces I need.-

As she spoke, a figure emerged from the other room. It had a projector for a head. Guess that's why they call him the protectionist. But then I happened to think. What was Uncle Henry after for this task?

"Be careful Uncle Henry." I said. He gave me a nod then he went into thr ink lake. I watched as he slowly made his way into the rooms. He stopped right by a box with, what I could faintly see, an audio log. He hit play. I could hear a male talk but I couldn't understand what was being said. Once it was done, Uncle Henry continued in the room. I just sit and stare down into the room. Waiting for Uncle Henry to return. Every so often, I'll see the protectionist wall by. I heard a loud shrill screeches often, too.

I stood, leaning against the railing for, what felt like, hours when suddenly, Alice's voice rang out. Scaring the ever living tar outta me.

-Tell me. Where they still writhing in your hands? Bring them to me. Now. I don't like to wait.-

I was confused. Was what still writhing? My attention was brought to Uncle Henry when he emerged from the room. He got back up to the lift and he has fivw ink hearts. Hearts?

"Uncle Henry? Why do you have hearts? Why hearts?" I ask, disgusted.

"I don't know. Its what she wanted. Lets just get these to her." He said, stepping into the lift. I followed him and pressed the level 9 button. It was a quiet trip back up.

When the lift gates opened, I decided to stay in the lift with Boris while Uncle Henry drops the ink hearts intot he drop box.

-It seems we've reached the end of my to-do list, my little errand boy. I hope you enjoyed our time together. I'll always treasure it. Return to the lift. Its time to go home.-  She said.

I felt relieved that we didn't need to do anymore tasks. However, I couldn't shake this nagging feeling that something wasn't right. Maybe it was just the way Alice spoke that gave me that feeling.

Uncle Henry stepping into the lift and the gates closed automatically.

-Have you wondered what heaven is like? I like to dream that its quite beautiful. A soft valley with green grass, blanketed by a warm sun? I don't thing I'll ever get to see it. Are you ready my little gophers? The heavens are waiting.-

It was quiet. Other than the low hum from the lift, there was no sound. It was too quiet. It didn't help my nerves at all. In fact, that nagging feeling became worse.

Then it got even more worse when I heard soft sobs. Was Alice crying? Then the sobs got faster. They started to sound like.... laughter. No. Alice was not crying. She was laughing. Something was wrong. Completely off.

Then, normal laughter turned crazy. For a split second, lift paused. Then it was falling. I felt like weightless with how fast it was falling.

-Did you really think I'd let you steal from me?! Did you really think I'd just let you go! No. I know who you are, and I know why you're here! You will not stop what needs to be done! Now come down and brimg me back my Boris!! Its the most perfect Boris I've ever seen and I want it! I need it. I need its insides so I can be beautiful again! Don't you understand? Don't you get it?! Give him to me. Or better yet, I'll take him. Once... you're.. DEAD!!-

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


Sorry.  I realize this is a short chapter. Again. Sorry.

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