Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes. Only, my eyes stung. I closed them again and rub at them. "Hnnnn owwwe." I whined.

"Idiot. Don't open your eyes yet." I still at the voice. Then melt and sigh. "Hold still, I'll get it out of your eyes." Bendy said.

"Thanks, Bendy. You saved me once again." I said as Bendy rubbed my eyes, getting the ink out and away from my eyes. After blinking a few times, I was able to stare up at Bendy with clear vision. "Thank you."

Bendy returned the smile I flashed at him "You're welcome, Toots." Then he leaned in and kissed me. Then he stood and walked over to the chair in the center of the room, plopping down on it. Then he waved me over. I followed. Then Bendy pulled me into his lap. I yelped at the sudden action.

Recovering quickly, I took the time to look around. "What is this place?" I asked. I watched the little cartoons that played on the screens, switching from screen to screen.

"This is my lair. The one place where I can relax and no one can bother me."

"Hmmm...." I hum in response, still giving the room a good look over. Until I noticed something at Bendy's feet. I reached down and picked the audio logs up. "Wow! There's even one here!!" I say. But before i could hit the play button, the tape was plucked from my hands and chucked to the other side of the room. I look up to Bendy, who had a frown on his face. "Bendy?"

"Joey's on that tape. So fucking annoying." He growled.

"Oh... I still wanna listen but... maybe later." I said. It was quiet for another moment, before I remembered something important. I stood from Bendy's lap with a gasp. "Uncle Henry!! He's still back in that room with Boris!!"

"Don't worry. He'll be fine. As much as I hate to admit, he's hard to kill." Bendy said. I look at him, worry still on my expression.

"How would you know that? There weren't any cutouts there. You cant see into that room." I say. Bendy stared back at me. He was silent for a moment before he sighed.

"I wanted to wait before I told ya. But now that I got ya alone, now would be the best time to tell ya. That is, if you believe me."

"Tell me what?"

"We're stuck in a loop." He said. I gave him a confused look. "Meaning that.... How do I put this?"

"I think I understand. This isn't. The first time Uncle Henry fought Boris?"

"Correct. And everything you two have done, Henry has done before. At least two times before. And it appears as though I'm the only one that remembers." He said.

I was instantly reminded of when I found Uncle Henry. I instantly knew what Bendy meant.

"Ohhh! Now I understand! That's why Uncle Henry thought he's only been gone an hour instead of weeks." I said. It made perfect sense then. "Okay... so what restarts the loop?" I asked.

Bendy stood and grabbed something from under the throne. It was a reel. A movie reel. "That little thing?"

"Yes. 'The End' reel. The most annoyin' thing ever. I tried to destroy it the last run through. But for some reason, I couldn't. Joey must've used some kind of hellish magic. I was planning on hiding, so Henry can't find it." He said. "In fact, I was thinking on throwing it into the ink river at the Lost Town. So that no one can ever find it again." That caught my attention.

"Lost Town?" I asked. Bendy's horns perked. Then his smile widened.

"Why yes. The town the lost ones and the searchers built. Cute lil' town. But rest for now. We have a long while before the loop continues. You've walked around for a while. I'm certain you're exhausted." Bendy said. When he said that, the exhaustion hit me all at once.

"Hmmmm... I guess you're right. I could use a nap." I said. I walked back to Bendy, crawling and snuggling into his lap.

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