Chapter 6

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Ok!! Chapter 6. Sorry it took me so long to post. I've been both busy and lazy and working on writing another story I may or may not add to wattpad.
Anyway... Onto the chapter. Enjoy!!
We had all the items on their designated pedestals.
"I'll go restore pressure. You stay here and flip the lever when I restore pressure." Uncle Henry said.
A few moments later, the little light switched from "low pressure" to "ready". I pulled the lever and the lights went dim. I went to go meet up with uncle Henry and we both went back to the ink machine room.
Only... when we got there, it was all boarded up.
"Whoa! When did this get here? I asked and took a step forward. It wasn't until Uncle Henry stepped closer did a black figure pop out of no where and reached out for us.
We jumped back.
"Run!" I yelled. I helped Uncle Henry up and we both ran. He had my arm. The halls were filling with ink. The stench was strong and it was a little hard to run through but we kept moving. Finally, we got back to the reference and the door was cracked open with sunlight pouring through. Uncle Henry reached out for it.
Only... we didn't make it. The floor under up fell and we fell with it. I screamed.
Luckily, what we met with wasn't a hard wood floor, but a ink flooded room.
Of course we were now cover a d ink was in the worst no no places, but I didnt care. We were alive and with nothing but ink stained clothing.
"Ugh.... Ugh.. Uck! Yuck!" I groaned.
"Are you okay?" Uncle Henry asked.
"Yeah... I'm fine. A bit shaken but fine. What was that?!"
"Not sure. All I saw was horns and a white bowtie. Only for a second."
I knew exactly who had both of those. "Bendy. Well, I honestly wouldn't be surprised."
"Come on. We have to get out of here." Uncle Henry said. He went over to a wheel and turned it. I then felt the ink drain from around us.
I tried to wipe as much ink as possible from my clothes. Then I felt my phone in my pocket.
"Ah shoot!!" I yelled and pulled out my phone. I pressed the buttons but nothing happened.
"Aww man... My phone..." I graoned. "This took six months allowance to pay for this."
"I'll buy you a new phone once we get out of here." Uncle Henry said.
"Okay... Thank you..." I did a quick look around. I spotted an audio recorder on a shelf. I walked over to it and hit play.

- Its dark and its cold and its stuck behind every wall now. In some places, I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees! Who ever thought that these crummy pipes could hold up under this kind of strain either knows something about pressure I don't or he's some kind of idiot.-

I snorted.

-But the real worst part about all this.... are the noises this system makes. Like a dying dog on its last legs. Make no mistake. This place.... this... machine. Heck, this whole darn things..... it just isn't natural. You can bet, I won't be doing anymore repair jobs for .of star Joey Drew-

(Wow. This olace went through a hard time.)

I followed Uncle Henry into a staircase. Only, it was flooded with ink.

"Stay up here. I'll drain it." Uncle Henry said.

I nodded.

We did that three times. Finally, we opened a door. I read the wall as Uncle Henry took the axe that was hanging on the wall.

-The creator lied to us-

"Huh? What does that mean? Is 'us' Bendy and Boris and what ever else is here?"

"Who is the creator they were talking about?" Uncle Henry asked.

"Joey maybe?"

"Wouldn't be surprised." Uncle Henry scoffed. "Come on. I got the way cleared.

"Coming." I said.

We turned the corner and Uncle Henry chopped the boards covering the door. Then we opened the door.

"What the hell? This keeps getting freakier and freakier." I said. We stepped closer. I went to the door on the other side of the room but stopped when I heard a thud. I turned back to find Uncle Henry passed out on the floor.

"Uncle Henry!!!" I went to his side and grabbed his face. "Uncle Henry! Uncle Henry! Please wake up!" I said. I placed my fingers on his neck and felt his pulse. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I decided that he must've been so tired, he passed out. So I decided to leave him be. Actually, I sat down beside him to rest a little but myself.


Hello ma peeps!!! I must apologize for taking so long to update.

Anyway. Heres a new chapter and I hope you enjoyed. And I'll see you in the next one!!

834 words the most I've done yet.

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