Chapter 8

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We had found all three switches and Uncle Henry flipped the last one. After a bit of shaking, the Metel door was opened. We took another step forward when groaning could be heard.

"What the hell was that?" I squeaked.

"I don't know. Stay behind me." Uncle Henry said. I stood.behind him as he takes the axe to the boards blocking the door way. It was dark and I could barely see anything.

"Where's the exit?" I asked.

"Its just over there." Uncle Henry answered, pointing down a hallway. I turned the corner but then paused when I saw the flooded staircase.

"Oh come on!!" I yell frustrated.

"Come on. We can still leave. The ink would just flow out." Uncle Henry said. He grabbed the doorknob and twisted. But it didn't budge. He sighed. "Locked. Probably because of all this ink. Looks like we'll have to drain it somehow before. We'll be able to leave."

I sighed heavily. "Of course." Uncle Henry came back up the stairs and flipped rhe switch beside me.

"Maybe this will drain it?" He wondered, looking towards the ink. But it made no movement. However, there were loud clicks that sounded from behind us.

I looked to see that lights were on now. Now I could read the sign.

'Music Department.'

I could see small little ink drops falling from the ceiling. "Lets explore a bit. See if we can find a switch." Uncle Henry said and walked back into the main room.

As we got closer, something fell from the ceiling and splattered on the floor. We paused to see if anything happened but nothing did. So we continued on.

However, when we took another step forward, a figure popped up out of a ink puddle.

"Ahhhh! What is that thing?" I screamed.

"I don't know. Stay behind me." Uncle Henry said as be got his axe ready. The creature crawled towards us and attacked. Uncle Henry dodged and swung back, causing the creature to return to its puddle.

Then others came. "Stay here." Uncle Henry said. I did. The things surrounded him. They pretty much overwhelmed him.

"Uncle Henry!" I yelled. That grabbed the attention of a few of them, who started to crawl to me
They got within a foot of me, they froze. Then they returned to their puddles. I was confused.

Then I looked behind me but saw nothing.

"Huh. Strange. I swear I heard a low growl behind me?" I said to myself.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Uncle Henry asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay. That seemed like all of them. That door over there opened.

"Okay. Why don't you go down that way? I'll wander around here some more." I said. Starting to the stairs.

"Very well."


Okay. Short chapter. Sorry.

467 words

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