Chapter 31

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I woke to shaking at my shoulders. I groaned. "Hnnn? Ah! Uncle Henry?" I moaned out
grogily when my vision cleared.

"Oh, thank god." He sighed out. Then he stood, also helping me to my feet.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In the office part of the studio. Were also close to Joey's office." Uncle Henry said. "Come. Lets press on. Get out of here and reunite with the others." I nod.


It took us a few minutes but we have opened the gate leading into, what Uncle Henry told me, was the maze of halls and room that lead to Joey's office. We were getting ready to step into the maze when familiar babbling stopped us in our tracks.

Then a moment later, Edgar came into view. He hasn't noticed us yet but I spoke. "Edgar!" I said. He turned his head then came running at me with open arms. Just like a kid would. I met him halfway and picked him up, giving him a hug before sitting him on my shoulders. He babbled happily.

Then I turned back to Uncle Henry, who looked as if he was trying to wrap his mind around what just did. "Uhhhhh... Uncle Henry? Are... are you alright?"

"I... I thought that the Butcher Gang wanted to kill us?"

"Correction. They all want to kill you. Except Boris... and Allison
... Tom... no longer Sammy... Bendy's a little half and half at the moment." I said. Then I realized what I said. I change the topic before he could question. "Anywho! Pressing on!" I said anf walked off.


Thankfully, Uncle Henry never once verbally questioned me. He certainly questiobed as Charlie and Barley began following me closely but never spoke out.

We came up to a room with a pillar in the middle. "Here it is. Joey's office." Uncle Henry said. "Now... if my hunch is correct.. We have to find another one of those inky blobs from earlier."

"Because of the machine out front? Yeah. Figured the same thing." At that, I watched as Charlie walked towards a fountain and point at it. "Oh!" It was a fountain full of ink. I could see a couple of blobs in it. "Thank you, Charlie. Okay Uncle Henry. I can carry one while you carry two." I say.

"Very well."

By the time we reached the lobby, I noticed that it was dark. Then I noticed the inky blotches dancing along the wall. I paused, and so did Uncle Henrym the gang trembled in fear. Seeing how attached I was to these three, Bendy told me what would happen when the gang touched his veins so I kept away from them.

Half of me wanted to into the room and catch Bendy into an embrace. But the other half of me told me to stay put, due to the fear of if Bendy were to see me with Uncle Henry, Bendy would kill him. So I stayed put.

Soon the veins disappear, signalling that Bendy was gone. Uncle Henry a d I was quick. We got to the machine and got the pipes needed. Then I set Edgar down on the floor and wave as the gang retreats back into the maze.

Uncle Henry and I enter the room and put the pipes in their proper places. Then opened the door once the ink was drained. The first thing I saw was the huge, most likely weighing at least five tons, Metel vault door broken off its hinges and later to the side. Then I noticed Uncle Henry looking through the boxes.

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