Chapter 23

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The door opened with a loud creak. I was still a little on edge from the sad, inky figure from before, but in this room, was depressing. There were more of those inky figures standing around. Some were hunched over, some were in cages. Then there was one sitting in a corner sobbing.

"Oh my god..." I went over and grabbed one by its hands. "My god. What happened here?" The figure only lowered its head. I removed my hands and gave it a hug, petting it head. It hugged me back. I think it appreciated the comfort.

"Was this Joey Drew's doing?" I asked. Some nodded. Of course it was. That bastard. What was in his mind? How could he have done all this and sleep at night? Did it even mess with him? "You poor souls." I say, giving a few more comforting hugs. Especially the one crying in the corner. "No one deserves this."

"Of course no one deserves this. This is torture. Come on. Maybe we can find some way to fix this in the end." Uncle Henry said. He patted the shoulders of a few ink figures. I nod.

I walked through the crowd and came to the other side of the room. The only way forward seemed to be a vent system. I groan but I take the flashlight and crawl in I could hear Uncle Henry behind me. I crawled along the air duct, until I saw a light up ahead.

"Yay. I didn't have to say up here long." I say when I reach the air vent cover. However, when I reached out to push the cover off, a familiar figure slammed into the cover. I jumped. When I did, I jumped up and hit my head on the top of the vent. The initial reaction of flinching was enough to make my current injuries scream out in pain. But the jitting my.head added more to the pain.

"Toots! Are you alright?!" Bendy asked. I nodded. Then he sighed out in relief. "Thank God. I was scared shitless when I couldn't find you any where. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Please tell me you aren't hurt!" I shook my head. Then I looked up to him. Without moving my head, I looked behind me, signalling Bendy to look behind me. He flinched slightly then nodded. He leaned in a little closer. "Please be careful up ahead." He whistles out and walks away.

"Y/N?" Uncle Henry asks.

"Oh! Everything's fine. Its just... being this close and personal with the Ink Demon... he hehe.
come on. Lets press on." I say, going left since ink closed off the exit.

I stretch my limbs once I got oit of the vents. I felt the pops and I sigh. "Oh! That felt good." I said. I looked around the room. There was stairs to my left that led to metal doors that was closed. The sign above the doors was labeled 'Storage Nine'

"Okay... that door is closed over there. That may be thr way forward. That means there's a switch here somewhere. Probablu up there. That's the obvious way to go." I say, walking towards the stairs.

Once I got up there, I look around. There was a table, surrounded by corkboards. They had designs pinned to them it looked like carnival rides. There was one design that was a tower with Bendy's face plastered on each side of the building.

I look at the table. There was a model of what looked like a theme park. It had that tower in the middle. Then my attention was drawn to the audio tape.

-For forty years, I've built attractions that stagger the imagination. Collossal wonders such as the world has ever seen! I have earned my legacy through sweat.

But right in fornt of everyone... high level investors, wall street tycoons, the ever-tactless Joey Drew introduces me, the great Bertrum Piedmont, as 'Bertie'. Like I was his child.

You may be paying me, Mister Drew, but you don't own me. Ill build you a park, bigger than you could ever possibly conceive! Now before you go taking any bows, Mister Drew, know that this grand achievement will belong to me, and to me alone!-

Bertrume Piedmont. I've heard of him before. Hes the man who has built some of the most extravagant amusement parks. So he was building a park for Joey Drew Studios. Thats what this model is.

I wonder what happened? Because this looked like this place would be fun. Such a shame. I went around the table to where I found a switch on the wall.

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