Chapter 24

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I got back down to Uncle Henry and I saw that the door was open. When I stepped into the dark room, I heard buzzing and clicking as lights flickered on. Then the sign lit up, some sparks flying our way.

"'Bendy Hell'?" I ask in suspicion. It was obvious it had 'Bendy Land, written in thr sign but 'Land' was crossed out by 'Hell'. We walked down the stairs on our left.

We walk through the room. I spot down barrels, that I suppose wouldve been used as trashcans, with Bendy heads on them. Only they weren't cute like his cutouts. The smiles were cutout amd the hands were stocking out, holdong on to the rims of thr barrels. It looked like Bendy was climbing out ofnthe barrel.

We ended up foloowing the cords on the floor. They all met up at the far side of thr room. Where a haunted house was located.

"This haunted house seems like the way to go, but its going to need some power." Uncle Henry said.

"Hang in there Boris. We're coming." I say. Then I turn to follow the first cord. I walk along it until I cmae back to where we came from. It led, through a lottle hole, into a room. However, the metal doors remained closed. "Hmmm... Okay... So do I need to do something to open this?" I thought out loud.

I turn back and found an audio tape perched on what looked like carnival games. A shooter game and a bottle throw. Keeping an eye on the games, I hit play.

-These guys down here in the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm stuck cleanin' up after 'em! They keep locking themselves out of their own break room. So I say to 'em, look guys, I say you're smart, right? Here's and idea! Why not dog the games to knock open the door if ya win? It'll be fun for you guys and it saves me the trip down here Every day.

They went for it like a dog to pot roast. I tell ya! If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm outta here.-

Figured as much. So all I had to do was win these games? Hmmm... Easy enough. Uncle Henry tought me a thing or two about guns and throwing. Mostly about aim.

I head to thr bottle toss game and pick up the balls. I step back, lightly tossong and catching one ball in my hand. I feared my hand back, aiming in on one stack. Then I threw the ball, hitting I watch as the stack falls over.

I smile, remembering the fun games at that one carnival Uncle Henry and Aunt Linda took me to a few years ago I remember owning Uncle Henry in the games.

I stood with a proud stature. I had knocked down all the bottles and shot very target in the shooting game. The moment I heard that last victory bell, I heard the metal door open. I walk proudly over to the now open door. Only to stop short woth a gasp. I stood in the door way, terrified to walk in.

"Uncle Henry!!!!" I was not going in there. Nope. Not happening. Those puppets... or... costumes.. what ever the hell they were, they were going to be in my nightmares.

"Yes?" Uncle Henry said. Then he looked into the room. "Scared?"

"Yes. Please? I'll do the next one." I said. Uncle Henry nodded and headed into the room, not paying any mind to the costumes. He pulled the lever.

"That's one." He said. Then he left the room with me in tow. We walked back to the haunted house. Uncle Henry pulled the first lever. Then I heard the screeching of another metal door opening. I looked over to find the metal door now open.

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