Chapter 20

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Finally, the gates open to level P. I walk out of the lift and walk down the hall. I met with another member of the butcher gang I recognized as Edgar.

Like Barley, Edgar paid no mind to me. So I continued on my way.

Like every room, there was ink spilt everywhere. I look around. The wall in front of me was all glass. The room consisted of a small table and an old camera in the corner of the room.

Then I noticed the room on the other side. If Uncle Henry was here, that room is where he'll be.

Cautiously, I walk down the hall. I got to the window of the second and I was right. There was Uncle Henry, stalking an unsuspecting swollen searcher.

Suddenly, he lunged with the syringe, catching the searcher before it could w

-How sickening! Makes my skin crawl. But the task is done. Bring me back my equipment, please.-

I entered the room. Uncle Henry jumped at the creak in the wood and he turned. He relaxed when he saw me. "Oh. Y/N. Its just you."

"Who'd you thing it was?" I asked with sarcasm. He only gave me a look that made me laugh.

"Hey. Your mouth okay? They look red." He asked. I flinched and covered my mouth. Sure enough, they're swollen from the rough kisses Bendy gives.

"O-oh yeah. They're just chapped from the dry air." I say. "I guess running from Bendy a few times doesn't really help either. What about you? Did you have any run-ins with the ink demon?" I ask.

"I had a few. The forst few times I had to run because he saw me but this last time, was weird." He said. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh? How so?" Is Bendy keeping his word?

"It was on the stairs, and he completely ignored me. Not a single glance in my direction. I even tried to get his attention." He said. I was relieved. I never thought Bendy would break his promise but there was slight doubt in the back of my mind.

"Lets not risk your life like that from now on, okay? Especially when it comes to Bendy." I said. Last thing I would want to happen is for Bendy to snap.

"I won't. Come on. I finallt got the task done." He said. Then he turned to exit the room. I stayed back for a bit to take in the room, Then followed. I had passed the wall with the writing and, as I turned the corner and passed the barrel, the room darkened.

Uncle Henry was close enough, he went right into the station. However, Bendy saw me and immediately gave chase. I yelped as I turned to run in the other direction. I turned right and ran to the station there.

I got to the wooden closet and was able to get the door open and closed before Bendy could tag me. Bendy was close enough, he ran into the closed door. I felt the station tip back a bit.

"Oh my god, Bendy? You hit pretty hard. Are you okay?" I asked. He grumbles while rubbing his head. "I'll take that as a yes. Better luck next time' Darling." I said.

"Yeah yeah. You made it this time. I will get cha next time, Toots. And next time, I'll kiss ya harder. Also, tell your dear old uncle to watch himself. Next time he steps in front of me like that again, he may just find himself getting pushed down the stairs." Bendy warned. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Awww. Don't you worry. I already had that talk with him. Now I made it so shoo." I said. Bendy grumbled again.

"Fine. But be prepared for next time." He said, he said, walking away and disappearing through the wall. Oncs he was gone, I stepped out of the station and met up with Uncle Henry at the lift.

"You okay?" He asked. I nod.

"Yeah. Lets go. Before he decided to come back." I said.

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