Chapter 32

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I continue to pace along the edge of the lake. Allison and Tom stood calmly. Sammy looked anxious as well. Uncle Henry was only gone for a minute. I snap my head towards the doorway when I heard a faint click. Then I heard taking. He must've found Joey's tape.

Then the tape ended. Then a few seconds later, I heard a roar, then a crash. My heart stopped. I moved to the edge, but Tom was quicker. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet.

"Tom! Let me go!!"

"Calm down, Y/N! Henry will be-" Allison started.

"No! He won't be fine! We got rid of the reel!!!" I could feel Tom freeze.
"The reel? What reel?" Allison asked.

"The thing Uncle Henry was after. Its a reel called 'the end'. Bendy and I got rid of it. Somewhere where it would be lost forever. That is the only thing that could defeat Bendy. But it also restarts the loop too. To break the loop, that reel cannot play." I explained as quickly as possible.

"Whoa. Slow down. Loop? What loop?" Allison said.

"Bendy explained that we are stuck in a loop. Whenver that reel plays, it restarts a loop. This all has happened before. Twice before. And each time ended with the playing of that reel. So Bendy got rid of it. In the ink river of that little town. So now I'm the only thing that can stop Bendy from killing Uncle Henry. You have to let me go!!" I continued to struggle.

Then Tom released me from his grip. I looked back at him. He nodded his head up, signalling me to go. I smiled. "Thank you Tom." I say and jump into the inky lake.

"MY LADY!!!" Sammy yelled.

"Ill be fine Sammy!! I promise!!!"

I run down the hall. Then I reach the door at the end. I immediately spotted and pulled the lever down, which caused the doors to open with a squeal. I walk into the familiar room of Bendy's lair. I then noticed the new huge hole in the wall.

I could hear thumping and crashing. Then I heard something that sounded like glass shattering. I then turn my head behind me because a door opened. Then I was relieved when I saw Uncle Henry run out.

He paused when he saw me. "Y/N? What are you doing here? You were supposed to wait outside with the others!"

"And what? Sit by while Bendy kills you? No way! Especially when there's nothing you can do to win against him!" I yelled back

"How could you know somethijg like that?"

"Because thatbthing that was in the vault? It was reel called 'the end'. Bendy and I got rid of it. We threw it into thr ink river there at the town. Somewhere it couldnt be found again."

"What!? Why would you do that!?" Uncle Henry yelled.

"Because the reel was the reason you were gone for weeks! We're stuck in a loop! And that reel is what restarts it!" Uncle Henry froze. "Bendy explained it to me. Everything we've done, youve done before. At least twice before. Bendy will be able to explain it better than I can." I said.

"He kind've wants to kill me at the moment." Uncle Henry said. Then I heard faint thumping. And it was getting louder. "He's coming."

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