Chapter 3

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Picture not mine

I turned the door knob. It opened with a creak. I looked down the old hall. But then I jump when the door loudly slams shut behind me. I went to go turn the knob again but it wouldn't budge.
"What? But it was just unlocked!!!! How'd it lock?"
I shook my head and looked back down the hall. I noticed the posters on the wall.
Oh.. I remember these cartoons. I thought. I've always loved them. Watching the adventures of three friends. Bendy, Boris, and Alice Angel. They were my favorite cartoons growing up.
I shook my head again. Time to focus on the fast at hand.
"Uncle Henry?? Are you here?? Uncle Henry??" I yelled.
I didn't get an answer right away. I firststarted hearing footsteps. They were faint at first but then they got louder until a shape came around the corner.
I gasped. Tears started to sting at my eyes. I ran and tackled him in a hug.
"Uncle Henry....You're okay!!" I sobbed into his chest.
He looked down at me confused. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?"
"I missed you. We were worried to death!" I said.
"But.... I've only been gone for an hour." He said. Then I stiffened at his words.
"An... Hour? You've been gone for weeks!!!" I yelled.
He only gave me a confused look. I pulled out my phone and showed him the date.
"You left on the fourth. Its the 26th today!! You've been gone for weeks. Aunt Linda and I have been worried sick!!"
Uncle Henry only stared at my phone.
"How is that possible? It feels like it's only been an hour. This isn't some joke, is it?"
"You know me. I wouldn't do that. Plus I'm terrible at acting."
Uncle Henry looked at me more.
"True. Very well. Why don't you go on home? I'll see what Joey wanted me to find anf I'll be on my way home, okay?" He said.
"I would but.. One:  there's no way in he'll I'm leaving your side. And two: the doors locked. I can't get out." I said.
"Oh yeah? But then goes you get-?"
"Weirdest thing. It was unlocked when I wanted in. But then it shut and somehow locked itself."
He sighed. "Fine. You can stay with me. Come on. I believe whatever Joey is hiding is down this way."
"Mmm! Okay!" I said and followed him down the halls.

I took note of our route and the turns. The hall was long. I tried every door but they were locked. There was one big doorway but the metal door was closed. Instead, I followed Uncle Henry down the hall and around the corner.
I looked at the sign that was there.
"Ink output schedule? 423 gallons? That's a ton of ink for one little studio. Where was this ink coming from??" I wondered.
"This should answer your question." Uncle Henry said. I went over to him and looked at what he was looking at.


"What's an 'ink machine'?" I asked.
"Lets find out." Uncle Henry said, walking into the room.
The room was HUGE. Very spacious. It had a rail and no way down to access the rest of the room. I guess it was for safety reasons due to the giant hole in the middle of the room. There were chains hanging down. They looked strained so they were holding something.
"There's something down there. Could it be the machine?"
"Looks like it. This lift could use a few dry cells before we can bring it up. I see one on the shelf over there. Try the chest see if the other is in there." Uncle Henry said. I did just that and handed him two dry cells. He put them into place and a little light on the switch flickered to life.
"Ooh! Let me!" I said and flipped the switch. The chains started to move and out from the darkness, a large machine came into view.

700 words!! Whoooooo.
Anyway. I working on this as much as possible!!! And it may seem slow but please.... Please bear with me!! Anyway... See you in the next chapter!! Bye!

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