Chapter 15

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I stare in awe at the room. I giggled like a five year old. The room had planes hanging from the ceiling. There were Bendy cutouts everywhere and there were giant sized plushies. I first saw the Boris plush but then I saw the Bendy plush.

Again. I giggled like a five year old as I tackled the Bendy plush. "I like this place. You go on ahead, Uncle Henry. I found my happy place."

Uncle Henry chuckled. "Come on. Let's go." He said I pouted at him as he walked up the stairs. I sigh deeply as I stood from the Bendy plush.

I follow Uncle Henry up the stairs and into a room at the top. In there, there were gears and conveyor belts with toys on it. Then there were hanging shelves with toys on the far wall.

"Why must there always be something blocking the door?" Uncle Henry huffed. I, then, noticed the door behind one of the hanging shelves. Then I noticed the little room hidded behind the shelves. I saw an audio tape on a desk. There was a gap between the shelves. Big enough gap for me to slip though. Then I hit play.

-I don't be seeing what the big deal is. Sooo... what if I went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile. That's sure no reason for mister drew to be flying off the handle at me. And if he REALLY wants to be so helpful, he couldn't be telling me what I'm to be doing with this warehouse o got full of that Angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrap of that mess be selling. Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all.-

"Poor Alice." I said. Her stuff wasnt selling. I look at the little desk. I saw this weird ink thingy. It was shaped like Boris. I touched it to see what it'd do. The ball thing jumped and now it looked like Alice. Okay now I was intrigued. I touched it again and it turned to Bendy. Then I touched it again and it turned to what looked like the ink machine.

I chuckle myself. Before I could touch it again, I heard steam hiss behind me. I looked to Uncle Henry, who was plucking toys from the gears on the wall.

"Mind getting those for me?" He asked, pointing to the two gears on my right.

"Sure." I did as he asked, pulling out a toy plane and a headless Alice doll from between the wheel and belt.

Once all the wheels were moving, Uncle Henry pulled the lever. The hanging shelves moved. The door was still blocked so he pulled the lever again.

It took a few tries but the door was funally unblocked. I followed Uncle Henry to the door. We walk into the room with caution, as far as I could see, there was no exit. However, that didn't stop my curiosity.

The room was covered in Alice merchandise. All dolls and posters. Even her cutouts, which was the first cutout I've seen that wasn't Bendy. It was somewhat a welcomed change.

On the far side of the wall, there were several tvs in the upper corners. They were surrounding, by the looks of it, a stage. There was glass separating the two rooms. I took a step closer to look into the next room. There was a door. I wondered if we had to break the glass to gain access to the path forward.

However, when I took that step closer, the room got darker. My first initial thought was that Bendy was there. Because when he appeared back then, the room got dark.

But the wasn't the case. I knew because the tvs turned on with Alice's face on the screens. I heard her sighand then a little song played. Even though I knew it wasn't Bendy, I was still on guard.

"Uncle Henry... I don't like this. I really, really don't like this." I say. Uncle Henry comes closer to me.

"Neither do I." He said.

Suddenly, a light came on in the next room. It put a spotlight on the door with the star. Then, when the song for to the 'I'm Alice Angel' part, a figure popped up. I screamed and jumped back. She was Alice Angel. Only, one side of her face was disfigured. Her eye looked like it drooped and her mouth looked like the skin was torn off. I could see her teeth.

"I'm Alice Angel!!!!!" She screamed. Then she slammed her fists against the glass, breaking it. Then it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. It was completely silent, except for my heavy breathing. Then I heard HER speak again.

"I see you there. New flies in my endless web. Come along now. Lets see if you're worthy to walk angels." It sounded like she was right next to me. Or could she be in front of me? It was hard to tell.

Soon, lights started to come back on. Slowly lighting the room up. Alice was no where to be found. There was a hole in the glass and there was a path to the right of me now. That wasn't there before. Guess that was the way forward. Not the other door.

"Uncle Henry? Are you alright?" I asked, helping him off the ground.

"Yeah. I'm alright. I may have had a heart attack but, I'm fine." He chuckled dryly. "Alright. It seems the way forward is open now. Lets move forward." He said, walking towards the open pathway.

"Alright. You know? I now much prefer to be chased by Bendy than Alice right now." I say, following him.


Whoo! Another chapter done. I'm so sorry for the wait. I've been working on other stories.

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