Chapter 1

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Here we go!!! First chapter!!!! Enjoy!!!

our POV

"(Y/n)! Time for breakfast!!" Aunt Linda yelled.
"Coming!!!" I yelled back down and finished pulling my (H/L) (H/C) hair back so it's out of my face. I looked my outfit over one last time before heading down for breakfast.
My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I live with my uncle Henry and Aunt Linda. My mom and Uncle Henry were brother and sister.
Unfrotunately, my parents passed away when I was young due to a car accident.
Since Uncle Henry was next of kin, he was able to legally take me in and raise me.
"Good morning, Sweet heart." Aunt Linda said.
"Morning, Aunt Linda." I said, giving her a hug.
"Where's my good morning hug?" Uncle Henry asked. I giggled and went over to him and gave hugged him tightly.
"Morning, Uncle Henry."
He chuckled. I sat beside him at the counter and Aunt Linda set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I munched on it happily.

I finished my food and went to go put my shoes on. I had school in an hour and I like to be early to get things prepared. I opened the door.
"I'm off to school!" I yelled.
"Have a nice day!" Uncle Henry yelled.
"Be safe!" Aunt Linda responded.
I turn to close the door but noticed something at our doorstep.
"Huh? What's this?" It was a yellow-ish colored envelop and addressed to Uncle Henry. So I opened the door again, which earned me a confused glance from Aunt Linda and Uncle Henry.
"This is addressed to you." I say handing it to Uncle Henry.

(A/N here. I apologize if I say "uncle Henry" waaaayy too much)

He looked at it closely. "OHH! I recognize this kind of paper. It must be from the old studio."
"Joey Drew Studio? Are you sure? We haven't heard a word from him in years." Aunt Linda commented.
"Joey Drew? Your old business partner at the cartoon studio? The one where the bendy cartoons were made?" I asked.
"Yeah." Uncle Henry confirmed and opened the letter. "Well, it IS from Joey." Uncle Henry said.
"What does it say?" I asked.
He read.

-Dear Henry.
It seems like a lifetime ago since we worked on cartoons together, 30 years really slips by, doesn't it?
If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I want to show you.
Your best pal, Joey Drew.-

"He invited you back to the studio? But the buildings been closed for almost 20 years." Aunt Linda said.
"Maybe he's planning on re-opening the building? I don't know. He wants to show me something and I have nothing else planned today so I'll see what he wants." He said. Then he turned to me.
"Come on bucko. I'll drop you off at school."

Whoo! First chapter done!!! 519 words.
So...... Be honest.... How was that for an intro???
Any who. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one.... Bye bye 👋👋👋

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