Chapter 4

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Ok!! I finally published the first four parts I had done!! Onto chapter 4.
I just drew the picture above. Sorry. Still.not quite good with hands.

Or shoes.
Sorry. Its sideways.
Anyway... Enjoy!
"Oh... My..." I started.
"Heavens." Uncle Henry finished.
"That's the ink machine?"
"Seems so. Wonder how you turn it on." He asked himself. I wondered that as Well.
About that time, A metallic creaking could be heard.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Let's he find out." Uncle Henry said and left with me on his heels. We reached back out in the main hallway to find the once closed metal door now open. Revealing yet another part of the studio.
"Let's go." Uncle Henry said. I nodded. There way two ways. Uncle Henry went right. We moved around a desk. I giggled at the cutout of Bendy leaning against the wall.
Then I jumped at a sudden sound.
"What was that?!"
"A wooded plank fell from the ceiling. No need to worry." Uncle Henry said. I breathed out a sigh. There was another fork. Uncle Henry started right while I looked left.
My heart dropped at what I saw. I'm sure a shriek escaped me too.
"Oh my god." I whimpered.
"My god. Joey. What the hell were you doing?" Uncle Henry said when he saw what I saw.
There was a room. And in that room, was a figure strapped to a table. A familiar figure.
"B-Boris? Bu- but how? How is this possible? This is just a mascot? Right?" I asked in disbelief.
"A mascot wouldn't have ribs. He's real. But how?"
I wanted to throw up. Before me was one of my childhood figures with his chest ripped open.
"Come on, (Y/N). There's nothing we can do. Lets press on." Uncle Henry said.
We went into the other room. There were six pillars. Three on each side of the room. On the far side of the wall was a lever. Next to the lever was a light that read 'low pressure'.
"Alright. We found the main power. Now how do we get this to work?" Uncle Henry asked.
"Maybe we need to find whatever controls the pressure?" I asked.
"Good idea. Lets split up." He said. This time, I led out of the room. Only I came face to face with a Bendy cutout. I screamed and clutch my chest.
"Oh...ohhohohoho. That scared the living daylights outta me."
"Come on. Lets go." Uncle Henry chuckled. "I'll go this can go that way." He said. Gesturing to the unexplored hall.
"Alright." I said.

Ok!!!! Finally done with the fifth chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this. I'm sorry it's so long and slow. Anyway... See you in the next one. Bye bye!!
464 words.

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