Chapter 16

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I follow Uncle Henry up to a fork in the paths. There was a sign post. One arrow was pointing to the left path said Demon and the other arrow, pointing to the right path, said Angel. I could only guess that we have to choose which path to go down.

I looked down the left path, the demon path. As far as I could see, the room is flooded with ink. Not just flooded, but covered. There was ink running from the ceiling.

Then I looked down the Angel path. There wasnt any ink, other than the writing on the wall. It looked clean. One would want to go down the Angel path due to the fact of not having to walk through ink.

However, after the experience with Alice, I strayed towards the Demon path. I rather walk through more ink than look at anything that resembles the angel.

"I'm going down the demon path." I say.

"Very well." Uncle Henry said. Then walked to the left onto the ink covered room. The moment I stepped into the ink, I heard a loud noise. I immediately went to the other path. Only, I found that it was now closed off.

"Huh... that's... weird." I say. Then I continue down the demon path.

I gave the room one good look over. Like I saw, ink flooded the room and there was a steady stream of ink flowing through the ceiling. There was a shelf on the left side of the room, and a desk to the right. There was a chair in the farthest side of the room, next to a Bendy Cutout. Then I noticed the audio log on the chair.

"Ooohh.." I said and hit play.

-There's nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature. Thats how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without having to life a finger. They say you just have to d

Believe can make you succeed.

Believe can make you rich.

Believe can make you powerful.

Why with enough believe you can cheat life itself! Now that.... is a beautiful and positively silly thought.-

I couldn't recognize the voice but it sounded like someone who was in control. Maybe the boss of the studio. Who was it again? Oh! Right! The very guy we got the letter from. The very same damn guy that got us stick in the situation in the first place.

Great. Now I'm in a bad mood. I turn and follow Uncle Henry out of the room and down a hall. We turn a corner ans I noticed anothwr one of those station closets. I pass it with a questioning glance as I continued down the hall, making another right.

At the end of this hall was a door. Uncle Henry opened the door, and then jumped. I peek out from behind him to see a Bendy cutout retreat from around the corner.

I found Boris snickering. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Boris! You scared me to death! Don't suppose you found anything we can use to protect ourselves with?" Uncle Henry asked. Boris ceased his snickering, after a bot of struggle, and held out a pipe. "This will do."

Then he continues on into the next room. This room had shelves everywhere and, like back in the toy room, there were toys everywhere in this room. I followed Uncle Henry and Boris into another hallway. Boris was waiting by a switch.

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