Chapter 18

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I don't remember falling asleep. More or less, grabbing a blanket. I was confused. I woke up with a blanket draped over me.

I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to worry over such little things. However, that didn't stop me from folding the blanket up and shoving it into my backpack. It sat snuggly next to the book I got from the music department.  But now... back to the task at hand. I had to find one more gear.


I had found the last gear in that same room I found the others, only it was more hidden. More like I didn't walk through the entire room. But I'm really not complaining. I feel more refreshed with having a nap.

Anyway, I'm here receiving my next task from Alice.

-You see those grinning demons? Lets remove them, shall we? I've got just the tool to make it even more enjoyable. The cutouts can be found on level k. Have fun dear.-

I didn't like how she sang that last part. That gives me the feeling something bad is about to happen. I sigh, shaking off the bad feeling and return to the lift to go, once again, to level k.

Again, I was cautious with each step as I walked back through level k, cutting down each cutout I saw. I so hoped I wasnt upsetting Bendy by doing this but I had a gut feeling that I was.

Finally, I reached the toy room. I had calmed down a bit now. I loved this room. It had all my favorite things here. Including the little Bendy dolls, which I found out squeaks when o squeeze them.

So I gather my courage by squeezing a few then I went to complete the task at hand.


-Ahhh! Now that was fun. Oh! But I forgot to mention. He HATES it when I do that. I would hide it I were you.- Alice giggled as I chopped down the last cutout.

I knew it! I knew something was up! I freaking KNEW it! And that... ANGEL had the NERVE to laugh!

"You B-word I cannot say!!" I yelled. Once that had left my mouth, one side of the room became dark. Really dark and there were inky veins dancing along the walls, floors and ever surface of the room.

Then I shrieked when I saw him Then he saw me. "AHHH! NO!!" He charged for me. I turned and ran for the stairs. There was a station there but he was right beside it. The station in that hall was way too far away. Plus, I would have to run through that ink flooded room. He would have caught me either way.

So I was going to run up one side of the stairs and down the other side in attempt to put some distance between us. That way, I would have enough time to make it in the station.

Hope fluttered in my chest as I reached the station and got the door halfway open. However, that hope was instantly shattered when the door was slammed shut by a big, white-gloved hand.

I was trapped. Trapped against the only thing that was to save my life. Now I was caught. Most likely to die.

I turned to face him. I took note of his cold smile. Then he grabbed me by my throat and tilted my head. With Bendy's height, I was standing on the tips of my toes. The oxygen was leaving my lungs quickly. I tried flailing around to get loose of his grasp but that only made it worse on me.

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