Bonus Chapter 1

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What happened after Henry and Y/N left the studio.


Bendy sigh once the inky portal closed. He sat apon his throne, watching through his cutout on the first floor. The one pointing towards the exit, which was now fixed. He opened the portal that would put them in the room where the ink machine would be.the wood boards have been removed.

It didn't take long before Henry and his toots came into view, turning rhe corner to head out the door. Once they were gone, he returned to the throne room. He then relaxed into his chair.

A few moments later, he sighed deeply. He already missed her. And he was getting bored. Then he remembered that the angel and that Boris.... Allison and Tom, he thinks, waits outside of his lair waiting for Henry to return. He never thought about it becauee the loop always restarted.

However, the loop has been broken. Which meant they were still waiting outside waiting for them. Sammy as well. However, they were out of the building abd headed back to their home. He was certain at least she would return for visits. He hoped.

That's a feeling he haven't had in a while. Hope. He had quite a bit of it during this run through. It started when he first saw his little toots. A new face sparked something. Something that told him that this run would be different. Then that spark turned into a flame when he caught her and got to speak with her. Granted he didn't tell her about the loop during the first interaction.

Anyway, getting off track. He felt like he should inform that Henry and Y/N are no longer in the studio. So he stood, walking towards the wall. He figured they were standing on the edge of the ground, staring at the entrance. So he moved to the side of his lair. He was out of sight but he could see them. They were doing exactly as he thought. Standing and watching. Waiting for them to return.

He decided to scare them a little. Pull a little mischevious prank. He slipped into the ink. He moved towards the edge and lets out a few air bubbles, catching their attention. Then he lept from his hiding spot, letting out a small yell.

Allison and Tom jumped back, Allison letting out a surprised yelp. Bendy, now out of the ink, raised his hands, signaling to the two that he means no harm.

"Relax. I've come in peace." He said. They let their guard down. Only a little.

"What do you want, Ink Demon? Where's Henry? Where's Y/N?" Allison asked, almost a growl.

"Safe. Actually out of the building and on their way home." He replied. "Promise. And believe me, Y/N is the who ever got me to promise something."

"MY LORD!!!!" Sammy yelled, startling the Ink Demon.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Bendy yelled, growling at the inky man.

"Wait, wait! Henry and Y/N are safe and going home?" Allison asked.

"Sent them up to the first floor myself. As well as watched them go through the exit. They are safely out of the building and on their way back to their home." Bendy confirmed. "I knew you guys were waiting out here and I didn't want ya out here waiting for people that weren't here anymore."

Allison let her shoulders drop, relief flushing over her. "Thank heavens. They're safe." She said. "Well then. We better get back to the safe house." She said, turning to Tom, who nodded.

"Actually, if you don't mind, you can return to the town with Sammy to help improve and maintain the town." Bendy offered. Allison looked at him completely stunned. "Oh don't look at me like that. I'm a changed demon. I see no reason to be the infamously feared Ink Demon. Besides, we are all, unfortunately, trapped here for eternity. We might as well make the best of it by making this place more livable." Bendy said. Which stunned Allison more. It was a full second before all heard ugly sobbing. They turned to Sammy, who had inky tears running out of his mask.

"Boo hoo hoo! My Lord!!! My Lady is really good for my Lord!!!" He cried. Bendy just growled with annoyance and embarrassment.

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