Chapter 17

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Unknown to her, a certain demon was watching her very move. Oh how he wanted to show himself while she was on the stairs. She wouldn't have much space to run.

However, this isn't the right time. She still isn't quite trustworthy yet. He'll wait. But how could.she prove herself without her getting suspicious?

He knows. He'll simply get to know her and he knows how.


-You're quiet the efficient little errand girl, aren't you? Return to me, now. The next task awaits.- Alice said when I grabbed the last valve.

On how she knew I got it was beyond me. However, it didn't matter. The task was done. Gripping the plunger, I head back towards the stairs.

-My machines are hungry. Gather me some spare parts. Level K.- Alice instructed. I grabbed the wrench and headed back up to the lift. Level K was the top floor.

The lift slowed to a stop and the gates opened to level k. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. Until Alice's voice broke the silence with a whisper.

-Have you met him? The ink demon? They say he hears everything. Every creak of the floor. Every rustle of paper. I wouldn't run so fast if I were you. You never know what will draw him in.-

I didn't like that, so I walked cautiously. Making almost no noise. The creaking floor didn't help.


I had back tracked all the way to the room where Uncle Henry and I got separated from Boris. I had one more gear to find but I couldn't find it. I sigh at my frustration.

I sigh, walking back down the hall. I went to the right amd saw the couch in the next room. I instantly felt the drowsiness wash over me. It wouldn't hurt, would it?

I walked over and flopped on the couch, after moving the cutouts. I was just going to rest for a few minutes. Uncle Henry should be done with his task here soon.


He couldn't help but fawn over her. She was just too cute asleep like this. He watched her through the cutouts she conveintly placed facing her.

He was a bit impressed she fell asleep so quickly. He was glad he informed the swollen ones to avoid Henry. It would take Henry longer to complete his task.

He saw her shiver a bit. He instantly got up and went to fetch a blanket from Boris's safe house. He was glad he found out where it was.

Half of Heavenly Toys became dark as he arrived. He walked next to her sleeping form and, ever so carefully, draped the light cloth over her. She stopped shivering. He watched her a bit more before leaning down, leaving a kiss on her left temple.

"Sweet dreams, Toots."


Almost there to the big meet up!!

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