Chapter 14

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He expected this. He knew they'd get away. If he truly wanted to catch them, a simple wooden door or board wouldn't stop him.

However, he was going to let then have their peace. There was plenty of time. Besides, he knew things were going to be different.

On another note, healmost caught her. If he went just a tad bit faster, she would have been in his arms.

Now he knew that he'd be able to capture her later. All he had to do was wait. And the Ink Demon had the patience for her.


I jump awake. I just couldn't get that damn smile out of my head. It invaded my dreams. Made them nightmares. But I was still greatful for the sleep, despite the nightmares.

I stretch my arms up high while letting out a yawn. I felt refreshed and ready to go. So I move from the hammock. I open the door and walk down the hall.

I move to the bathroom to take care of some business. I became numb to the fact that the bathroom was covered in Ink. The toilet worked and the sink had fresh water. I don't know how but it did. And it was drinkable. Luckily, I had a big travel mug I take to school in my bag, so I was able to fill it with clean water.

Once I was finished, I moved to the main room, where Uncle Henry and Boris were playing cards.

Ever since escaping Bendy yesterday, or... a few days ago? Its hard to keep track of time here. Anyway. We've been staying with Boris in his safe house. It was a huge relief to get the much needed rest without worry.

"Greetings guys." I say, alerting the two of my presence.

"Hey, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" Uncle Henry asked. I nod. "Good. Now that youre awake, we can continue on." He said, standing from the chair.

"Oh? Is it time?" I ask. He nods, then walks over to the door. Then he pulls the lever. The door opened and now Boris stood from his chair.

"Stay close and don't wander off." uncle Henry said. Boris and I follow him down the hall. We turned the corner and I winced at how dark tge next room was.

"Hnnnnnn" I saw Uncle Henry grab what looked like a flash- oh, okay. That was a flashlight. With the light source, Uncle Henry walked into the dark room, with me and Boris in tow.

I linked my arm with Boris's. I wasn't a big fan of the dark. I guess Boris wasnt either, because he was tense.

"Don't be scared Boris. I'll keep the light near you so you don't get lost. Uncle Henry said. We traversed the dark hallway, turning corner after corner. Then suddenly, there was a sound.

"Did you hear that, Boris?" I asked. He nodded. "Creepy..."

Finally, we reach a lighted room. A sigh of relief escapes me. Then I let go of Boris, who walked over to the vent in the corner of the room. Uncle Henry walks up to the closed metal door.

"Another dead end. And no way out. Boris? Got any idea?" He asked. Boris came over and gently grabbed the flashlight out of Uncle Henry's hands. Then he went back to the vent, opened it, and crawled in. Then the vent closed behind him, so now it was just Uncle Henry and I.

A few seconds later, the metal doors opened with a screech. I expected to see Boris on the other side but he was no where to be found. "Huh? Boris? Where'd you go?"

"He probably went on ahead. So lets press on." Uncle Henry said.


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