Chapter 25

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I walk in, immediately noticing the 'CHOO CHOO' writing on the wall. I walk along cautiously. There was a metal door and I walked through it. I saw the miracle station on the right. It left a bad feeling.

I turn and go to walk the stairs, but a light stopped me. With a gasp, I move back up the stairs a fee steps. But then, the source of the light came into view.

"This guy again?!" I whisper to myself. The light was from the projector on the shoulders of the figure Alice referred to as 'the Projectionist'. He walked around the ink flooded room.

Once the creature was a good distance away, I stepped into the ink. I cringe at the sound, but it didn't seem to alert the creature. So I walk behind it. I caught a glimpse of boxes stacked on each other on a wooden slab woth chains attached to it.

I noticed a set of stairs behind the boxes. I figured that was where I needed to to. I just probably had to flip some sort of switch or push some button.

As I followed the Projectionist around a but more, a switch came into view, confirming my speculation. I went over and flipped the switch. Once I did, I jumped when I heard a familiar loud screech. I turned to find the Projectionist coming at me.

I screamed, running towards the stairs. I looked back when I made it to the top, only to find the creature still hot in its pursuit. "AAHHHHHH!!! Its still chasing me!!!" I shrieked, running further. Until I saw another switch.

I went to the switch, pulling it. I turned to run again but the lights shut off and the Projectionist's light disappeared. I stood frozen until the lights began to fade back on. I still couldn't see the Projectionist. I even looked over the railing down to the lower floor, nothing.

So.... now that I was free of the threat, I took a moment to catch my breath and get my heartbeat under control. I also took some time to explore this level. My attention was attracted to a camera. And a cardboard cutout with the missing face.

Like with the carnival games, this reminded me of the carnival I was taken to. For the fun of it, I step behind the cutout and stick my face through, putting on my silliest face.

I chuckled to myself. Then o heard a click. I looked to thr camera, there was no one there. It creeped me out so I only went back to the stairs and descended to the lower floor.

I walked back up to the front and back up the stairs. Then, asy.foot hit the second step...


Thats the first thing that ran through my mind when I heard that familiar foul screech. I bolted up the stairs with a light spotlighting me. I made it to the station and jumped in.

The Projectionist tilted its head. Then it started reaching towards the station.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Suddenly, I screamed when a loud bang sounded. It was like in the archives and in that hall way. This time, there were familiar inky veins dancing along the walls and in the station. The Projectionist turned towards the door with a scream. Then a second later, a familiar hand punched Projectionist in its... head? Then I saw a familiar face. I felt relieved knowing that he was here.

I watched in awe as Bendy fought with the Projectionist. Throwing punches, receiving them. In the end, Bendy lifted the Projectionist by the... um... throat? Whatever connected its head with its body. Then he pushed it to its knees and pulled its head from its shoulders. Then Bendy flung the Projectionist's head and it changed against thw closet I took cover in, causing me to shriek. I felt some ink land on my face.

I saw Bendy flinch then he threw  the door to the station open, revealing my shaken form. I stare up at his face and gulp before throwing myself into his embrace.

"Toots? Are you okay?" He asked. I nod. I feel Bendy pick me up and then sat on the floor, placing me on his lap. He started swayingbme from side to side.

"Yes. I'm fine, Bendy. Its just... the Projectionist spooked me. It was actually... minus you and Charlie, it was the first thing that chased me. So it scared me." I said.

"I'm sorry, Toots."

"You don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong." I say. Bendy hugged me closer and planted a kiss on my temple. "Hmm... Well.. Uncle Henry is waiting for me. So I have to go." Bendy nodes with understanding. He also stood and placed a kiss on my lips this time.

Then he set me on my feet. He pulled away amd licked my lips. "Until next time, Toots." He said. Then he bent down and grabbed the leg of the Projectionist and dragged it behind him he gave me one last nod before phasing through the wall. His inky aura disappeared, telling me that he really lefi smile and sigh. "Until next time, My little devil darling."


"Any trouble?" Uncle Henry asked. I shook my head.

"No trouble at all." I replied as I go over and flip the final two switches. The haunted house doors open.

"Time to save Boris." He said. I nod as I follow Uncle Henry into the haunted house.

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS!! 2021 is over and 2022 is here. Here's to new beginnings and new changes. And to new hopes and relationships.

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