Chapter 30

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Its been at least two hours since Bendy left. I was starting to get worried. It was even more worrisome when a searcher came and informed Sammy of something. I didn't know what. I couldn't understand them, but it seemed Sammy did.

He turned to me. "What is it?" I asked.

"That man you were with when we first met. He's on his way. We must hide you from him." He said.

"Uncle Henry? You dont have to hide me from him." I said. Sammy wasn't listening. He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me behind him. "Sammy? Sammy! I'm telling you!! I'll be fine! There is no need to hide me!

"Of course there is. He'll take you away from Bendy. My Lord will kill me for letting that happen." Sammy said. Then I understood his reasoning. They see Uncle Henry as a threat. So I just shut up and follow him.

Sammy led me into a small room. There was no where to go from here. Next thing I know, the lpst ones and searchers board up the door way.


"They closing off the door way, so that Henry won't think its an exit." He said. I understood what he was saying, but I knew it wouldn't work.

"Yes, he will. He'll definately think its an exit. Traversing through out the studio, every exit was blocked by something. He'll definitely try here." I said. Then Sammy gripped the axe I haven't noticed before.

"Then I'll kill him." He said. Then he flinched when I punched his shoulder.

"You will do no such thing!! He is my unclw! My family! You will NOT kill him, understand!?" I yelled. He placed a hand over my mouth and shushed me.

"Alright. Alright! I won't kill- I'll try not to kill him." He said. "Now hush. Here he comes." He said and pressed himself against the wall.

I heard a creaking noise. I watched as a boat emerged from the darkness of the tunnel. I saw a figure step off the boat and work their way across the port. They they stepped into view. I was relieved to see he was okay.

Uncle Henry walked slowly as he examined each building. I could see his eyes. He was amazed by this place like I was. Then he looked our direction and headed to the boarded up door way. Knew it.

"Told ya." I whispered to Smmy. He only gripped the axe harder. Then, as Uncle Henry approached, Sammy swung the axe wildly, cutting down each board. Uncle Henry jumped away.

"Betrayed... and abandoned! I trusted you! I gave you everything! And you left me to rot!! Why? Why!?" Sammy spouted nonsense as he attacked Uncle Henry. I watvhed as their weapons collided. I couldn't watch any more so I hid behind the wall.

I heard Sammy yell something. Then I heard him say something else that caught my attention. When I looked again, I saw Sammy standing over Uncle Henry with his axe raised. Then I saw someone sneaking up behind Sammy.

"Sammy!!!" I yelled. I ran out of my hiding spot, which caused Sammy to look up in surprise. I stood behind Sammy, standing between him and the person with an axe at the ready. The figure I now saw as Boris.

Boris stopped. He made a gesture for me to.move. I only responded by shalong my head. I turned to Sammy. "My... my Lady- OOFFF!!!" He hunched over when I punched him in the gut.

"I specifically told you that you were to NOT kill Uncle Henry, and what do you do? You go and try to put an ace in his head!" I scold.

Despite me punching him, Sammy turned and got on his hands and knees like he does with Bendy. "My apologies, my Lady.. It won't... it won't happen again."

"It better not. Otherwise, I'll kill ya myself." I say. I turned to face Uncle Henry, who was now standing beside Boris. He pulled me into a hug.

"Y/N!! Oh... I'm relieved to see that you're alright! I was so worried! I couldn't find you after I defeated Boris." He said.

"So this is your niece you told us about?" A voice behind him asked. I looked to see who.

"Alice?" I asked with confusion.

"Oh.. Y/N? This is Allison and Tom. They saved me from Alice after I beat Boris." Uncle Henry said. Allison came up to me and extended her hand.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." She said. I grabbed her hand and gave it a friendly shake.

"Like wise. Yeah. Bendy saved me before Boris could tackle me. I've been with him ever since." I said.

"The Ink Demon... saved you?" Allison asked with a face of concern. I nod.

"Well.. I guess I owe him a thank you." Uncle Henry said.

"U-um... My Lady?" Sammy piped up. I turned to look at him. "Speaking of which... My Lord could return at any moment. If you wish for your friends' safety, I suggest they leave. You can leave through that gate." He said, gesturing to the locked gate behind him.

"He's right. Bendy could come back any time now. You need to go." I say. Sammy went over and unlocked the gate, pushing it open.

"Very well. Lets go." Uncle Henry said and walked along, Allison and Tom following. Then he stopped and turned back. "What are you saying for? Come on." He said. I blink. But then I remember that he didn't know about my relationship with Bendy.

"O-oh! Right! Coming!" I went to move but Sammy grabbed my wrist.

"W-wait! You can't leave! My Lord will kill me if I allow you to go along with them!!" Sammy said, fear laced in his voice. I was about to open my mouth to respond, but realized that he was right. Bendy would be angry.

"Very well. Come with us."

"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled.

"I said come with me. Bendy can't get angry if you remain by my side. You'll still be protecting me so... you'll still be doing what you were told to do. Besides. This is an order from me. Even Bendy won't argue with it."

"O..oh. Well... When you put it that way..." Sammy said.

I turned and came up to Uncle Henry. "You don't have any objections, do you?"

"Uh.. Many." He said. I ignored it and clapped my hands together with a smile.

"No? Lets go then." Uncle Henry just stared at me as I proceeded through the gate with Sammy following close behind. Eventually, Uncle Henry followed as well as the other two.

"Be careful here we dont know how sturdy these boards are." Uncle Henry said. Carefully, he walked on the boards. However, on the third board, it broke and Uncle Henry fell into the darkness below.

Unfortunately, since I was right behind him, I lost my balance and fell in after him.

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