Chapter 13

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I followed Sammy back to a little room. There wasn't much to this room. I noticed the Bendy statue in the corner. Then my attention turned to the post. I noticed the pentagram that was painted around the post.

Sammy wasnt much for comversation. But neither was I. I didn't want to talk. Especially not with Sammy.

Sammy stopped and held Uncle Henry to his feet. He pointed to a corner where rope rested.

"Grab that rope and tie him to the beam." Sammy said. I did as told, grabbing the rope and as Sammy held Uncle Henry to the post, I tied him there. I made sure it was tight enough to hold him up but loose enough he could wiggle out if it later.

Once I back away, he turned to me. "Your turn. Hold out your arms. Though you aren't a sacrifice... I can't have you running away." I did as told. He tied my arms together then tied the remaining rope to the post. Then he stood in front of us, axe in hand. About that time, Uncle Henry began to stir.

"There we go. Nice and tight. We have to make sure our sheep stay right where intended. I must admit, I am honored you came all the way to visit me."

"We didn't even knew you existed." I said. Sammy just ignored me.

"It almost makes what I'm about to do seem... cruel."

I growled at him. "And what are you going to do with us?"

"Your uncle here... Will be sacrifice for my lord. You, however, will not. For my lord had forbidden me of sacrificing you. It seems as if he has taken an interest in you so you're nearly ties up to give you to my lord."

"Wouldn't that still be considered sacrificing me?" I questioned. He blew off the question and continued speaking nonsense.

"Doesn't matter. For our lord is called to us, my Little Sheep."

"I'm not your Little Sheep! And stop calling me that! My name is (Y/N)!" I growled.

Again, Sammy ignored me. "The time for sacrifice is at hand. And then, I will finally be freed from this... inky body."

I was about to return a snappy remark when I heard thuds.

"Shhhh.. Quiet. Listen. I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling." He said, wiggling his fingers. A shiver ran down my spine. "Let us begin. The ritual must be completed. Soon he will hear me. He will set us free." He said. Then he turned and walked out of the room.

Uncle Henry groaned beside me. "Are you okay, Uncle Henry?" I asked.

"Yeah. My head's still ringing though. I also can't help but feel a bit of deja vu." He said.

"Huh?" I was about to question him when a squeal of a speaker cut me off.

-Sheep sheep sheep. Its time for sleep. Rest your head. Its time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead. Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness. Arise and claim my offering. Free me! I beg you! I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your fave and take this tender sheep!-

"Stop calling me a fucking sheep!! I've told you my name fifteen thousand different times! USE IT!!" I yelled with a growl. The I realized that I used a word in front of Uncle Henry. "I have no regrets using that word."

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