Chapter 28

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I just wanted to add this little chapter about the reader hanging out at Bendy's lair. I wasn't too sure of how long Hneru stays in the 'prison' Allison and Tom puts him in but I'm certain its over a few days. So I wrote this chapter to show what the reader did to pass the time.)


I wasn't sure how long its been. I was so exhausted, I was in and out of consciousness. This chair was more comfortable than it looks.

Sometimes, I was snuggled up with Bendy. Other times, Bendy was off doing whatever around the studio. Like he was some sort of king checking up on his kingdom.

Sometimes, Bendy would take me to places in the studio. He took me back to one of my favorite rooms, Heavenly Toys. I immediately went to the giant Bendy plush and snuggled up to it. Bendy was pleased with that.

He was also took me back to the carnival warehouse Uncle Henry and I was at before we got into the fight woth Boris. We fought against each other. I told Bendy how I would win against Uncle Henry in these games. Unfortunately, Bendy defeated me. It was close but he beat me.

Then, the next day, Bendy collected all of the audio logs he could find. Then he left for some business, leaving me all alone. So I took the chance to listen to some audios he brought me. I started with the one that was supposedly Joey Drew.

-Its simply awe-inspiring what one can accomplish with their own hands. A lump of clay can turn into meaning... if you strangle it with enough enthusiasm. Loom at what we've built! We created life itself, Henry! Not just on the silver screen, but in the hearts of those we entertained with our fancy moving pictures.

But... when the tickets stopped selling... when the next big thing came along... only the monsters remained... shadows of the past. But you can save them Henry! You can peel it all away! You see, there's only one thing Bendy has never known: he was there for his beginning, but he's never seen... the end.-

I laugh. "Oh... Well... he's seen it by now. Twice." I say. I pick up the next one.

-So I go to get my dust pan from the hall closet the other day I guess what? I can't find my stupid keys. Its like they disappeared into thin air or something.

All I can think of is that they must've fallen into one pf the garbage can as I was making my rounds last week.

I just hope no one tells Sammy. Because of he finds out that I lost my keys again, I'm outta here.-

I liked this guy. He was funny. I set the audio to the side and picked up the next one.

-I love the quiet, and that's hard to come by these busy times.

And yeah sure it may stink to high heaven down here bit it's just perfect for an old lyricist like me. Sammy's song always got some bouce. But if I didn't get away once in a while, they'd never have any words to go with them.

So I'll keep my mind a-singing and my nose closed.-

Stink? Oh! Could it be in that other room beyond the infirmary there in the music department? Huh. I picked up the next audio log.

-Everything feels like its coming apart.

When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison.

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