Chapter 34

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"There. The eggs are done." I s
Whispered. Uncle Henry grabbed three plates out of the cabinet and placed then gently across the counter. Next, he got out two coffee mugs, setting next to the plates.

The coffee maker beeped, telling us it was done. Uncle Henry grabbed the pot and filled three mugs. Soon, we had the table set and breakfast ready. Then, we froze when we heard shuffling coming from the stairs.

We turn our gazes up to the top of the stairs. Where we see Aunt Linda staring down at us. She had a blank look on her face.

"Urm... Um... G-good morning, Aunt Linda." I say nervously. Aunt Linda looked between me and Uncle Henry. Then she begun to tear up. She nearly tripped as she ran down the stairs and hugged us great big.

It was a long conversation. We explained on what happened at the studio. On me meeting Bendy. Meeting Boris and Alice. Then Allison and tom. Learning about the studio. The adventure we had. Aunt Linda didn't quite believe us but considering both of us were telling the same thing, she believed us eventually.

Aunt Linda called the police and told then that both Uncle Henry and I were back home and safe and they called off the search. I was grounded for two weeks due to taking off without telling her were I was going. And the only reason it was only two weeks was because of these reasons. One: because she wouldn't let me go if I did tell her and two: because I found Uncle Henry when the police couldn't.

Once my grounding was over, I did go back to the studio after school, with Aunt Linda's permission, to visit Bendy. I spend any free time I have there at the studio. And I hope to spend the rest of my life beside Bendy.


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